Constitution of the State of Kuwait 1962
Employment Rights and Protection
  • English
    Every Kuwaiti shall have the right to work and to choose the nature of his occupation.
    Work is the duty of every citizen. Dignity requires it and the public welfare ordains it. The State shall make work available to citizens and shall see to the equity of its conditions. (Art. 41)
  • Arabic
    لكل كويتي الحق في العمل وفي اختيار نوعه.
     والعمل واجب على كل مواطن تقتضيه الكرامة ويستوجبه الخير العام، وتقوم الدولة على توفيره للمواطنين وعلى عدالة شروطه. (المادّة 41)

Constitution of the State of Kuwait 1962 (English). According to Art. 3: “The official language of the State is Arabic.”

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