Constitution of the Republic of Lebanon 1926, as amended to 2004
Participation in Public Life and Institutions
  • English
    All Lebanese are equal before the law. They equally enjoy civil and political rights, and assume obligations and public duties without any distinction among them. (Art. 7)
  • Arabic
    كل اللبنانيين سواء لدى القانون وهم يتمتعون بالسواء بالحقوق المدنية والسياسية ويتحملون الفرائض والواجبات العامة دونما تمييز بينهم. (المادّة 7)
Participation in Public Life and Institutions
  • English
    Every Lebanese has the right to public employment, without any distinction, except on qualification and merit according to the conditions laid down by the law. … (Art. 12)
  • Arabic
    لكلّ لبناني الحقّ في تولّي الوظائف العامّة لا ميزة لأحد على الآخر إلا من حيث الاستحقاق والجدارة حسب الشّروط التي ينصّ عليها القانون. ... (المادّة 12)

Constitution of Lebanon 1926, as amended to 2004 (English). According to Art. 11: “The Arabic language is the official national language. ...”

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