Constitution of Mongolia 1992, as amended to 2023
Citizenship and Nationality
  • English

    1. The grounds and procedure for Mongolian citizenship, acquisition or loss of citizenship shall be determined only by law.
    2. Deprivation of Mongolian citizenship, exile and extradition of citizens of Mongolia shall be prohibited. (Art. 15)

  • Mongolian

    1. Монгол улсын иргэний харьяалал хийгээд харьяат болох, харьяатаас гарах үндэслэл журмыг гацхүү хуулиар тогтооно.
    2. Монгол улсын иргэнийг харьяатаас хасах, эх орноосоо хөөх, өөр улсад шилжүүлэн өгөхийг хориглоно. (Арван тавдугаар зүйл)


Constitution of Mongolia 1992, as amended to 2022 (English). Consolidated version as amended to 2023 not publicly available. According to Art. 8(1): “The Mongolian language shall be the official language of the State.”

Links to all sites last visited 18 April 2024

Art. 21 as amended by 2023 Amendment; In-house translation by UN Women, 2024.