Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan 1973, as amended to 2019
Political Parties
  • English

    (2) Every citizen, not being in the service of Pakistan, shall have the right to form or be a member of a political party, subject to any reasonable restrictions imposed by law in the interest of the sovereignty or integrity of Pakistan and such law shall provide that where the Federal Government declares that any political party has been formed or is operating in a manner prejudicial to the sovereignty or integrity of Pakistan, the Federal Government shall, within fifteen days of such declaration, refer the matter to the Supreme Court whose decision on such reference shall be final.
    (3) Every political party shall account for the source of its funds in accordance with law. (Art. 17)
  • Urdu

    (٢) ہر شہری کو، جو ملازمتِ پاکستان میں نہ ہو، پاکستان کی حاکمیت اعلی یا سالمیت کے مفاد میں قانون کے ذریعے عائد کردہ معقول پابندیوں کے تابع کوئی سیاسی جماعت بنانے یا اس کا رکن بننے کا حق ہوگا اور مذکورہ قانون میں قرار دیا جائے گا کہ جبکہ وفاقی حکومت یہ اعلان کر دے کہ کوئی سیاسی جماعت ایسے طریقے پر بنائی گئی ہے یا عمل کر رہی ہے جو پاکستان کی حاکمیتِ اعلی یا سالمیت کے لیے مضر ہے تو وفاقی حکومت مذکورہ اعلان سے پندرہ دن کے اندر معاملہ عدالتِ عظمٰی کے حوالے کر دے گی جس کا مذکورہ حوالے پر فیصلہ قطعی ہو گا۔
    (۳) ہر سیاسی جماعت قانون کے مطابق اپنے مالی ذرائع کے ماخذ کے لیے جواب دہ ہو گی۔ (آرٹیکل ۱۷)
Links to all sites last visited 31 March 2021
3, 4
3 - Part II on Fundamental Rights and Principles of Policy, Chapter 1 on Fundamental Rights.
4 - According to Art. 7: “In this Part [Part II on Fundamental Rights and Principles of Policy], unless the context otherwise requires, “the State” means the Federal Government [Majlis-e-Shoora (Parliament)], a Provincial Government, a Provincial Assembly, and such local or other authorities in Pakistan as are by law empowered to impose any tax or cess.”
Part II on Fundamental Rights and Principles of Policy, Chapter 1 on Fundamental Rights.
Part II on Fundamental Rights and Principles of Policy, Chapter 1 on Fundamental Rights.
Part II on Fundamental Rights and Principles of Policy, Chapter 1 on Fundamental Rights.
Refer to Art. 51(3) for the Table of Distribution by Province and the Federal Capital. According to Art. 260(3): “In the Constitution and all enactments and other legal instruments, unless there is anything repugnant in the subject or context,—… (b) “non-Muslim” means a person who is not a Muslim and includes a person belonging to the Christian, Hindu, Sikh, Buddhist or Parsi community, a person of the Quadiani Group or the Lahori Group (who call themselves ‘Ahmadis’ or by any other name), or a Bahai, and a person belonging to any of the scheduled castes.”
Refer to remaining part of Art. 106(1) for the Table of Distribution by General Seats, Women and Non-Muslims.
Second Schedule on Election of President.
Refer to Art. 51(3) for the Table of Distribution by Province and the Federal Capital.
According to Art. 260: “… “Property” includes any right, title or interest in property, movable or immovable, and any means and instruments of production; …”
Part II on Fundamental Rights and Principles of Policy, Chapter 1 on Fundamental Rights.
Part VII on The Judicature, Chapter 3A on Federal Shariat Court.
According to Art. 260(3): “In the Constitution and all enactments and other legal instruments, unless there is anything repugnant in the subject or context,—(a) “Muslim” means a person who believes in the unity and oneness of Almighty Allah, in the absolute and unqualified finality of the Prophethood of Muhammad (peace be upon him), the last of the prophets, and does not believe in, or recognize as a prophet or religious reformer, any person who claimed or claims to be a prophet, in any sense of the word or of any description whatsoever, after Muhammad (peace be upon him); … ”
Part VII on The Judicature, Chapter 3A on Federal Shariat Court.
Part VII on The Judicature, Chapter 3A on Federal Shariat Court.
Part VII on The Judicature, Chapter 3A on Federal Shariat Court.