Constitution of the Republic of Tajikistan 1994, as amended to 2016
Property, Inheritance and Land Tenure
  • English
    The economy of Tajikistan shall be based on various forms of ownership.
    The state shall guarantee freedom of economic activities, entrepreneurship, equality of rights, and the protection of all forms of ownership including private ownership. (Art. 12)
  • Russian
    Основу экономики Таджикистана составляют различные формы собственности.
    Государство гарантирует свободу экономической и предпринимательской деятельности, равноправие и правовую защиту всех форм собственности, в том числе частной. (Статья 12)
  • Tajik
    Асоси иқтисодиёти Тоҷикистонро шаклҳои гуногуни моликият ташкил медиҳанд.
    Давлат фаъолияти озоди иқтисодӣ, соҳибкорӣ, баробарҳуқуқӣ ва ҳифзи ҳуқуқии ҳамаи шаклҳои моликият, аз ҷумла моликияти хусусиро кафолат медихад. (Моддаи 12)
Property, Inheritance and Land Tenure
  • English
    Everyone shall have the right to ownership and inheritance. … (Art. 32)
  • Russian
    Каждый имеет право на собственность и право наследования. ... (Статья 32)
  • Tajik
    Ҳар кас ҳақ дорад соҳиби моликият ва мерос бошад. ... (Моддаи 32)

Constitution of the Republic of Tajikistan 1994, as amended to 2016 (English). According to Art. 2: “The State language of Tajikistan is the Tajik language. Russian is the language of communication between the nationalities. … ”

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