Constitution of the Principality of Andorra 1993
Status of International Law
  • English
    3. The universally recognized principles of international public law are incorporated into the legal system of Andorra.
    4. Treaties and international agreements take effect in the legal system from the moment of their publication in the Official Gazette of the Principality of Andorra and cannot be amended or repealed by law. (Art. 3)
  • Catalan
    3. Andorra incorpora al seu ordenament els principis de dret internacional públic universalment reconeguts.
    4. Els tractats i acords internacionals s'integren en l'ordenament jurídic a partir de la seva publicació en el Butlletí Oficial del Principat d'Andorra, i no poden ésser modificats o derogats per les lleis. (Art. 3)
Status of International Law
  • English
    The Constitutional Court tries:

    b) Requests of preliminary opinion of unconstitutionality about international laws and treaties.
    … (Art. 98)
  • Catalan
    El Tribunal Constitucional coneix:

    b) Dels requeriments de dictamen previ d'inconstitucionalitat sobre lleis i tractats internacionals.
    … (Art. 98)
Status of International Law
  • English
    1. The Coprinces, under the provisions of article 46.1.f ), the Head of Government or a fifth of the General Council, may request an opinion about the constitutionality of international treaties prior to their ratification. Proceedings of this nature shall take priority.
    2. The judgment admitting the unconstitutionality of a treaty shall prevent its ratification. In all cases the conclusion of an international treaty including stipulations contrary to the Constitution shall require the previous revision of the latter. (Art. 101)
  • Catalan
    1. Els coprínceps, en els termes de l'article 46.1.f), el cap de Govern o una cinquena part dels membres del Consell General, poden requerir dictamen previ d'inconstitucionalitat sobre els tractats internacionals abans de la seva ratificació. Aquest procediment tindrà caràcter preferent.
    2. La resolució estimatòria d'inconstitucionalitat impedirà la ratificació del tractat. En tot cas, la celebració d'un tractat internacional que contingui estipulacions que contradiguin la Constitució exigirà la reforma prèvia d'aquesta. (Art. 101)

Constitution of the Principality of Andorra 1993 (English). According to Art. 2(1): "Catalan is the official language of the State.”

Links to all sites last visited 6 February 2024
3, 4

3 - Chapter III on the fundamental rights of the person and public freedoms.

4 - Chapter IV on Political rights of Andorran nationals.

5, 6
5 - Chapter III on the fundamental rights of the person and public freedoms.
6 - Chapter IV on Political rights of Andorran nationals.
7, 8
7 - Chapter III on the fundamental rights of the person and public freedoms.
8 - Chapter IV on Political rights of Andorran nationals.
9, 10
9 - Chapter III on the fundamental rights of the person and public freedoms.
10 - Chapter IV on Political rights of Andorran nationals.
11, 12
11 - Chapter III on the fundamental rights of the person and public freedoms.
12 - Chapter IV on Political rights of Andorran nationals.
13, 14
13 - Chapter III on the fundamental rights of the person and public freedoms.
14 - Chapter IV on Political rights of Andorran nationals.