Constitution of the Republic of Bulgaria 1991, as amended to 2015
Status of International Law
  • English

    (4) International treaties which have been ratified in accordance with the constitutional procedure, promulgated and having come into force with respect to the Republic of Bulgaria shall be part of the legislation of the State. They shall have primacy over any conflicting provision of the domestic legislation.
    … (Art. 5)
  • Bulgarian

    (4) Международните договори, ратифицирани по конституционен ред, обнародвани и влезли в сила за Република България, са част от вътрешното право на страната. Те имат предимство пред тези норми на вътрешното законодателство, които им противоречат.
    … (Чл. 5)
Status of International Law
  • English
    (1) The Republic of Bulgaria shall conduct its foreign policy in accordance with the principles and norms of international law.
    … (Art. 24)
  • Bulgarian
    (1) Външната политика на Република България се осъществява в съответствие с принципите и нормите на международното право.
    … (Чл. 24)
Status of International Law
  • English
    (1) The Constitutional Court shall:

    4. rule on the compatibility between the Constitution and the international treaties concluded by the Republic of Bulgaria prior to their ratification, and on the compatibility of domestic laws with the universally recognized norms of international law and the international treaties to which Bulgaria is a party;
    … (Art. 149)
  • Bulgarian
    (1) Конституционният съд:

    4. произнася се за съответствието на сключените от Република България международнɢ договори с Конституцията преди ратификацията им, както и за съответствие на законите ɫ общопризнатите норми на международното право и с международните договори, по които Българиɹ е страна;
    … (Чл. 149)

Constitution of the Republic of Bulgaria 1991, as amended to 2015 (English). We are aware amendments to the present constitution were adopted in 2023. To date, no English consolidated version is available publicly. Translation efforts are underway. According to Art. 3: “Bulgarian shall be the official language of the Republic.”

Links to all sites last visited 22 August 2024