Constitution of the Republic of Croatia 1990, as amended to 2014
Protection from Violence
  • English

    Political parties which, in their platforms or by violent action, intend to undermine the free democratic order or threaten the existence of the Republic of Croatia shall be deemed unconstitutional.
    … (Art. 6)
  • Croatian

    Protuustavne su političke stranke koje svojim programom ili nasilnim djelovanjem smjeraju podrivanju slobodnoga demokratskog poretka ili ugrožavaju opstojnost Republike Hrvatske.
    … (Članak 6)
Protection from Violence
  • English
    No one may be subjected to any form of ill-treatment or, without his/her consent, to medical or scientific experiments.
    Forced and compulsory labour shall be forbidden. (Art. 23)
  • Croatian
    Nitko ne smije biti podvrgnut bilo kakvu obliku zlostavljanja ili, bez svoje privole, liječničkim ili znanstvenim pokusima.
    Zabranjen je prisilni i obvezatni rad. (Članak 23)
Protection from Violence
  • English
    Any call for or incitement to war or use of violence, to national, racial or religious hatred, or any form of intolerance shall be prohibited and punishable by law. (Art. 39)
  • Croatian
    Zabranjeno je i kažnjivo svako pozivanje ili poticanje na rat ili uporabu nasilja, na nacionalnu, rasnu ili vjersku mržnju ili bilo koji oblik nesnošljivosti. (Članak 39)
Protection from Violence
  • English

    Children shall not be employed before reaching the age specified by law, nor shall they be forced or allowed to do any work that is harmful to their health or morality.
    … (Art. 64)
  • Croatian

    Djeca ne mogu biti primljena na rad prije zakonom određene dobi niti smiju biti prisiljavana na rad koji štetno utječe na njihovo zdravlje ili ćudoređe, niti im se takav rad smije dopustiti.
    … (Članak 64)
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