Constitutional Act of Denmark 1953, as amended to 2009
Limitations and/or Derogations
  • English
    In an emergency the King may, when the Folketing cannot assemble, issue provisional laws, provided that they shall not be at variance with the Constitutional Act, and that they shall always, immediately on the assembling of the Folketing, be submitted to it for approval or rejection. (Sec. 23)
  • Danish
    I særdeles påtrængende tilfælde kan kongen, når Folketinget ikke kan samles, udstede foreløbige love, der dog ikke må stride mod grundloven og altid straks efter Folketingets sammentræden skal forelægges dette til godkendelse eller forkastelse. (§ 23)

Constitutional Act of Denmark 1953 (English); Act of Succession 1953, as amended to 2009 (English). According to Sec. 2 of the Constitutional Act: "… Royal authority shall be inherited by men and women in accordance with the provisions of the Act of Succession to the Throne of March 27th 1953."

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