Constitutional Act of Denmark 1953, as amended to 2009
Religious Law
  • English
    The Evangelical Lutheran Church of Denmark (Folkekirken) is the established Church of Denmark and, as such, is supported by the State. (Sec. 4)
  • Danish
    Den evangelisk-lutherske kirke er den danske folkekirke og understøttes som sådan af staten. (§ 4)
Religious Law
  • English
    The constitution of the Established Church shall be laid down by statute. (Sec. 66)
  • Danish
    Folkekirkens forfatning ordnes ved lov. (§ 66)

Constitutional Act of Denmark 1953 (English); Act of Succession 1953, as amended to 2009 (English). According to Sec. 2 of the Constitutional Act: "… Royal authority shall be inherited by men and women in accordance with the provisions of the Act of Succession to the Throne of March 27th 1953."

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