Constitution of the Fifth French Republic 1958, as amended to 2008
Political Parties
  • English
    Political parties and groups shall contribute to the exercise of suffrage. They shall be formed and carry on their activities freely. They shall respect the principles of national sovereignty and democracy.
    They shall contribute to the implementation of the principle set out in the second paragraph of article 1 as provided for by statute.
    Statutes shall guarantee the expression of diverse opinions and the equitable participation of political parties and groups in the democratic life of the Nation. (1958 Constitution, Art. 4)
  • French
    Les partis et groupements politiques concourent à l'expression du suffrage. Ils se forment et exercent leur activité librement. Ils doivent respecter les principes de la souveraineté nationale et de la démocratie.
    Ils contribuent à la mise en œuvre du principe énoncé au second alinéa de l'article 1er dans les conditions déterminées par la loi.
    La loi garantit les expressions pluralistes des opinions et la participation équitable des partis et groupements politiques à la vie démocratique de la Nation. (Constitution 1958, Art. 4)

Constitution of France 1958, as amended to 2008 (English). The constitutional order of France is made up of different texts. According to the Preamble of the 1958 Constitution: "The French people solemnly proclaim their attachment to the Rights of Man and the principles of national sovereignty as defined by the Declaration of 1789, confirmed and complemented by the Preamble to the Constitution of 1946, and to the rights and duties as defined in the Charter for the Environment of 2004." According to Art. 2 of the 1958 Constitution: "The language of the Republic shall be French. ..."

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