Constitution of the Fifth French Republic 1958, as amended to 2008
Status of the Constitution
  • English
    If the Constitutional Council, on a referral from the President of the Republic, from the Prime Minister, from the President of one or the other Houses, or from sixty Members of the National Assembly or sixty Senators, has held that an international undertaking contains a clause contrary to the Constitution, authorization to ratify or approve the international undertaking involved may be given only after amending the Constitution. (1958 Constitution, Art. 54)
  • French
    Si le Conseil constitutionnel, saisi par le Président de la République, par le Premier ministre, par le président de l'une ou l'autre assemblée ou par soixante députés ou soixante sénateurs, a déclaré qu'un engagement international comporte une clause contraire à la Constitution, l'autorisation de ratifier ou d'approuver l'engagement international en cause ne peut intervenir qu'après révision de la Constitution. (Constitution 1958, Art. 54)
Status of the Constitution
  • English
    A provision declared unconstitutional on the basis of article 61 shall be neither promulgated nor implemented.
    A provision declared unconstitutional on the basis of article 61-1 shall be repealed as of the publication of the said decision of the Constitutional Council or as of a subsequent date determined by said decision.
    … (1958 Constitution, Art. 62)
  • French
    Une disposition déclarée inconstitutionnelle sur le fondement de l'article 61 ne peut être promulguée ni mise en application.
    Une disposition déclarée inconstitutionnelle sur le fondement de l'article 61-1 est abrogée à compter de la publication de la décision du Conseil constitutionnel ou d'une date ultérieure fixée par cette décision.
    … (Constitution 1958, Art. 62)

Constitution of France 1958, as amended to 2008 (English). The constitutional order of France is made up of different texts. According to the Preamble of the 1958 Constitution: "The French people solemnly proclaim their attachment to the Rights of Man and the principles of national sovereignty as defined by the Declaration of 1789, confirmed and complemented by the Preamble to the Constitution of 1946, and to the rights and duties as defined in the Charter for the Environment of 2004." According to Art. 2 of the 1958 Constitution: "The language of the Republic shall be French. ..."

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