Constitution of the Republic of Latvia 1922, as amended to 2018
Head of State
  • English
    The Saeima shall elect the President for a term of four years. (Art. 35)
  • Latvian
    Valsts Prezidentu ievēlē Saeima uz četriem gadiem. (Art. 35)
Head of State
  • English
    The President shall be elected by open ballot with a majority of the votes of not less than fifty-one members of the Saeima. (Art. 36)
  • Latvian
    Valsts Prezidentu ievēlē, atklāti balsojot, ar ne mazāk kā 51 Saeimas locekļu balsu vairākumu. (Art. 36)
Head of State
  • English
    Any person who enjoys full rights of citizenship and who has attained the age of forty years may be elected President. A person with dual citizenship may not be elected President. (Art. 37)
  • Latvian
    Par Valsts Prezidentu var ievēlēt pilntiesīgu Latvijas pilsoni, kurš sasniedzis četrdesmit gadu vecumu. Par Valsts Prezidentu nevar ievēlēt pilsoni ar dubultpilsonību. (Art. 37)
  • English
    The Cabinet shall be composed of the Prime Minister and the Ministers chosen by the Prime Minister. (Art. 55)
  • Latvian
    Ministru kabinets sastāv no ministru prezidenta un viņa aicinātiem ministriem. (Art. 55)
  • English
    The Cabinet shall be formed by the person who has been invited by the President to do so. (Art. 56)
  • Latvian
    Ministru kabinetu sastāda persona, kuru uz to aicina Valsts Prezidents. (Art. 56)
  • English
    The number of ministries and the scope of their responsibilities, as well as the relations between State institutions, shall be as provided for by law. (Art. 57)
  • Latvian
    Ministriju skaitu un to darbības apjomu, kā arī valsts iestāžu savstarpīgās attiecības nosaka likums. (Art. 57)
  • English
    The administrative institutions of the State shall be under the authority of the Cabinet. (Art. 58)
  • Latvian
    Ministru kabinetam ir padotas valsts pārvaldes iestādes. (Art. 58)
  • English
    The Saeima shall be composed of one hundred representatives of the people. (Art. 5)
  • Latvian
    Saeima sastāv no simts tautas priekšstāvjiem. (Art. 5)
  • English
    The Saeima shall be elected in general, equal and direct elections, and by secret ballot based on proportional representation. (Art. 6)
  • Latvian
    Saeimu ievēlē vispārīgās, vienlīdzīgās, tiešās, aizklātās un proporcionālās vēlēšanās. (Art. 6)
  • English
    Any citizen of Latvia, who enjoys full rights of citizenship and, who is more than twenty-one years of age on the first day of elections may be elected to the Saeima. (Art. 9)
  • Latvian
    Saeimā var ievēlēt katru pilntiesīgu Latvijas pilsoni, kurš vēlēšanu pirmā dienā ir vecāks par divdesmit vienu gadu. (Art. 9)
  • English
    The Saeima, and also the people, have the right to legislate, in accordance with the procedures, and to the extent, provided for by this Constitution. (Art. 64)
  • Latvian
    Likumdošanas tiesības pieder Saeimai, kā arī tautai šinī Satversmē paredzētā kārtībā un apmēros. (Art. 64)

Constitution of Latvia 1922, as amended to 2018 (English). According to Art. 4: “The Latvian language is the official language in the Republic of Latvia. ...”

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