Constitution of Malta 1964, as amended to 2022
  • English
    Primary education shall be compulsory and in State schools shall be free of charge. (Art. 10)
  • Maltese
    L-edukazzjoni primarja għandha tkun obbligatorja u fl-iskejjel tal-Istat għandha tkun bla ħlas. (Art. 10)
  • English
    (1) Capable and deserving students, even if without financial resources, are entitled to attain the highest grades of education.
    (2) The State shall give effect to this principle by means of scholarships, of contributions to the families of students and other provisions on the basis of competitive examinations. (Art. 11)
  • Maltese
    (1) L-istudenti kapaċi u meritevoli, ukoll jekk mingħajr risorsi finanzjarji, għandhom dritt li jilħqu l-ogħla gradi ta' edukazzjoni.
    (2) L-Istat għandu jagħti effett għal dan il-prinċipju permezz ta' boroż ta' studju, ta' kontribuzzjonijiet lill-familji tal-istudenti u provvedimenti oħra fuq il-bażi ta' eżamijiet kompetittivi. (Art. 11)

Constitution of Malta 1964, as amended to 2022 (English). According to Art. 5(1): "The National language of Malta is the Maltese language.”

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Chapter IV on Fundamental Rights and Freedoms of the Individual