Constitution of Malta 1964, as amended to 2022
Religious Law
  • English
    (1) The religion of Malta is the Roman Catholic Apostolic Religion.
    (2) The authorities of the Roman Catholic Apostolic Church have the duty and the right to teach which principles are right and which are wrong.
    (3) Religious teaching of the Roman Catholic Apostolic Faith shall be provided in all State schools as part of compulsory education. (Art. 2)
  • Maltese
    (1) Ir-reliġjon ta’ Malta hija r-Reliġjon Kattolika Apostolika Rumana.
    (2) L-awtoritajiet tal-Knisja Kattolika Apostolika Rumana għandhom id-dmir u l-jedd li jgħallmu liema prinċipji huma tajbin u liema huma ħżiena.
    (3) It-tagħlim reliġjuż tal-fidi Kattolika Apostolika Rumana għandu jkun provdut fl-iskejjel kollha tal-Istat bħala parti mill-edukazzjoni obbligatorja. (Art. 2)

Constitution of Malta 1964, as amended to 2022 (English). According to Art. 5(1): "The National language of Malta is the Maltese language.”

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Chapter IV on Fundamental Rights and Freedoms of the Individual