Constitution of Malta 1964, as amended to 2022
Electoral Bodies
  • English
    (3) It shall be the duty of the Electoral Commission to suspend the election, either in all electoral divisions or in any one or more of such divisions, if it has reasonable ground to believe that illegal or corrupt practices or other offences connected with the elections have been committed or there has been foreign interference and such practices, offences or interference have so extensively prevailed or have been of such nature that they may reasonably be expected to affect the result of the election, in all or in any one or more of the electoral divisions.
    ... (Art. 56)
  • Maltese

    (3) Ikun id-dmir tal-Kummissjoni Elettorali li tissospendi l-elezzjoni, jew fid-distretti elettorali kollha jew f’xi wieħed jew iktar minn dawk id-distretti, jekk ikollha raġuni xierqa li temmen li jkunu saru attijiet illegali jew ta’ korruzzjoni jew reati oħra li għandhom x’jaqsmu mal-elezzjonijiet jew kien hemm indħil barrani u dawk l-attijiet, reati jew indħil ikunu pprevalew b’mod hekk estensiv jew ikunu ta’ dik ix-xorta li raġonevolment ikunu mistennija li jkollhom effett fuq ir-riżultat tal-elezzjoni, fid- distretti elettorali kollha jew f’xi wieħed jew iktar minnhom.
    ... (Art. 56)
Electoral Bodies
  • English
    (1) There shall be an Electoral Commission for Malta.

    (9) In the exercise of its functions under this Constitution the Electoral Commission shall not be subject to the direction or control of any other person or authority. (Art. 60)
  • Maltese
    (1) Għandu jkun hemm Kummissjoni Elettorali għal Malta.

    (9) Fl-eżerċizzju tal-funzjonijiet tagħha skont din il-Kostituzzjoni l-Kummissjoni Elettorali ma tkunx suġġetta għad-direzzjoni jew kontroll ta’ xi persuna jew awtorità oħra. (Art. 60)

Constitution of Malta 1964, as amended to 2022 (English). According to Art. 5(1): "The National language of Malta is the Maltese language.”

Links to all sites last visited 8 April 2024
Chapter IV on Fundamental Rights and Freedoms of the Individual