Constitution of the Republic of Montenegro 2007, as amended to 2013
Jurisdiction and Access
  • English

    Constitutionality and legality shall be protected by the Constitutional Court.
    … (Art. 11)
  • Montenegrin

    Ustavnost i zakonitost štiti Ustavni sud.
    … (Član 11)
Jurisdiction and Access
  • English
    The Constitutional Court shall decide on the following:
    1) Conformity of laws with the Constitution and confirmed and published international agreements;
    2) Conformity of other regulations and general acts with the Constitution and the law;
    3) Constitutional appeal due to the violation of human rights and liberties granted by the Constitution, after all other efficient legal remedies have been exhausted;
    4) Whether the President of Montenegro has violated the Constitution,
    5) The conflict of responsibilities between courts and other state authorities, between state authorities and local self-government authorities, and between the authorities of the local self-government units;
    6) Prohibition of work of a political party or a non-governmental organization;
    7) Electoral disputes and disputes related to the referendum, which are not the responsibility of other courts;
    8) Conformity with the Constitution of the measures and actions of state authorities taken during the state of war or the state of emergency;
    9) Performs other tasks stipulated by the Constitution.
    If the regulation ceased to be valid during the procedure for the assessment of constitutionality and legality, and the consequences of its enforcement have not been recovered, the Constitutional Court shall establish whether that regulation was in conformity with the Constitution, that is, with the law during its period of validity.
    The Constitutional Court shall monitor the enforcement of constitutionality and legality and shall inform the Parliament about the noted cases of unconstitutionality and illegality. (Art. 149)
  • Montenegrin
    Ustavni sud odlučuje:
    1) o saglasnosti zakona sa Ustavom i potvrđenim i objavljenim međuna-rodnim ugovorima;
    2) o saglasnosti drugih propisa i opštih akata sa Ustavom i zakonom;
    3) o ustavnoj žalbi zbog povrede ljudskih prava i sloboda zajamčenih Ustavom, nakon iscrpljivanja svih djelotvornih pravnih sredstava;
    4) da li je predsjednik Crne Gore povrijedio Ustav;
    5) o sukobu nadležnosti između sudova i drugih državnih organa, između državnih organa i organa jedinica lokalne samouprave i između organa jedinica lokalne samouprave;
    6) o zabrani rada političke partije ili nevladine organizacije;
    7) o izbornim sporovima i sporovima u vezi sa referendumom koji nijesu u nadležnosti drugih sudova;
    8) o saglasnosti sa Ustavom mjera i radnji državnih organa preduzetih za vrijeme ratnog i vanrednog stanja;
    9) vrši i druge poslove utvrđene Ustavom.
    Ako je u toku postupka za ocjenu ustavnosti i zakonitosti propis prestao da važi, a nijesu otklonjene posljedice njegove primjene, Ustavni sud utvrđuje da li je taj propis bio saglasan sa Ustavom, odnosno sa zakonom za vrijeme njegovog važenja.
    Ustavni sud prati ostvarivanje ustavnosti i zakonitosti i o uočenim pojavama neustavnosti i nezakonitosti obavještava Skupštinu. (Član 149)
Jurisdiction and Access
  • English
    Any person may file an initiative to start the procedure for the assessment of constitutionality and legality.
    The procedure before the Constitutional Court for the assessment of constitutionality and legality may be initiated by the court, other state authority, local self-government authority and five Members of the Parliament.
    The Constitutional Court itself may also initiate the procedure for the assessment of constitutionality and legality.
    During the procedure, the Constitutional Court may order to stop the enforcement of an individual act or actions that have been taken on the basis of the law, other regulation or general act, the constitutionality, i.e. legality of which is being assessed, if the enforcement thereof could cause irreparable damage. (Art. 150)
  • Montenegrin
    Svako može dati inicijativu za pokretanje postupka za ocjenu ustavnosti i zakonitosti.
    Postupak pred Ustavnim sudom za ocjenu ustavnosti i zakonitosti može da pokrene sud, drugi državni organ, organ lokalne samouprave i pet poslanika.
    Ustavni sud može i sâm pokrenuti postupak za ocjenu ustavnosti i zakonitosti.
    U toku postupka, Ustavni sud može narediti da se obustavi izvršenje pojedinačnog akta ili radnje koji su preduzeti na osnovu zakona, drugog propisa ili opšteg akta čija se ustavnost ili zakonitost ocjenjuje, ako bi njihovim izvršenjem mogle nastupiti neotklonjive štetne posljedice. (Član 150)
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This is in reference to legislative, executive and judicial power.