Constitution of the Republic of Montenegro 2007, as amended to 2013
Public Institutions and Services
  • English

    The state shall provide material security to the person that is unable to work and has no funds for life. (Art. 67)
  • Montenegrin

    Država obezbjeđuje materijalnu sigurnost licu koje je nesposobno za rad i nema sredstva za život. (Član 67)
Public Institutions and Services
  • English
    Everyone shall have the right to health protection.
    A child, a pregnant woman, an elderly person and a person with disability shall have the right to health protection from public revenues, if they do not exercise this right on some other grounds. (Art. 69)
  • Montenegrin
    Svako ima pravo na zdravstvenu zaštitu.
    Dijete, trudnica, staro lice i lice sa invaliditetom imaju pravo na zdravstvenu zaštitu iz javnih prihoda, ako to pravo ne ostvaruju po nekom drugom osnovu. (Član 69)
Public Institutions and Services
  • English
    Mother and child shall enjoy special protection.
    The state shall create the conditions that encourage childbirth. (Art. 73)
  • Montenegrin
    Majka i dijete uživaju posebnu zaštitu.
    Država stvara uslove kojima se podstiče rađanje djece. (Član 73)
Links to all sites last visited 22 February 2024

This is in reference to legislative, executive and judicial power.