Constitution of the Kingdom of the Netherlands 1815, as amended to 2023
Employment Rights and Protection
  • English

    1. It shall be the concern of the authorities to promote the provision of sufficient employment.
    2. Rules concerning the legal status and protection of working persons and concerning co-determination shall be laid down by Act of Parliament.
    3. The right of every Dutch national to a free choice of work shall be recognised, without prejudice to the restrictions laid down by or pursuant to Act of Parliament. (Art. 19)

  • Dutch

    1. Bevordering van voldoende werkgelegenheid is voorwerp van zorg der overheid.
    2. De wet stelt regels omtrent de rechtspositie van hen die arbeid verrichten en omtrent hun bescherming daarbij, alsmede omtrent medezeggenschap.
    3. Het recht van iedere Nederlander op vrije keuze van arbeid wordt erkend, behoudens de beperkingen bij of krachtens de wet gesteld. (Art. 19)

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