Constitution of Romania 1991, as amended to 2003
Public Institutions and Services
  • English

    (3) The organization of the medical care and social security system in case of sickness, accidents, maternity and recovery, the control over the exercise of medical professions and paramedical activities, as well as other measures to protect physical and mental health of a(delete) person shall be established according to the law. (Art. 34)
  • Romanian

    (3) Organizarea asistenţei medicale şi a sistemului de asigurări sociale pentru boală, accidente, maternitate şi recuperare, controlul exercitării profesiilor medicale şi a activităţilor paramedicale, precum şi alte măsuri de protecţie a sănătăţii fizice şi mentale a persoanei se stabilesc potrivit legii. (Art. 34)
Public Institutions and Services
  • English
    (1) The State shall be bound to take measures of economic development and social protection, of a nature to ensure a decent living standard for its citizens.
    (2) Citizens have the right to pensions, paid maternity leave, medical care in public health centres, unemployment benefits, and other forms of public or private social securities, as stipulated by the law. Citizens have the right to social assistance, according to the law. (Art. 47)
  • Romanian
    (1) Statul este obligat să ia măsuri de dezvoltare economică şi de protecţie socială, de natură să asigure cetăţenilor un nivel de trai decent.
    (2) Cetăţenii au dreptul la pensie, la concediu de maternitate plătit, la asistenţă medicală în unităţile sanitare de stat, la ajutor de şomaj şi la alte forme de asigurări sociale publice sau private, prevăzute de lege. Cetăţenii au dreptul şi la măsuri de asistenţă socială, potrivit legii. (Art. 47)

Constitution of Romania 1991, as amended to 2003 (English). According to Art. 13: “In Romania, the official language is Romanian.”

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