Constitution of Romania 1991, as amended to 2003
Political Parties
  • English

    (2) Political parties shall be constituted and shall pursue their activities in accordance with the law. They contribute to the definition and expression of the political will of the citizens, while observing national sovereignty, territorial integrity, the legal order and the principles of democracy. (Art. 8)
  • Romanian

    (2) Partidele politice se constituie şi îşi desfăşoară activitatea în condiţiile legii. Ele contribuie la definirea şi la exprimarea voinţei politice a cetăţenilor, respectând suveranitatea naţională, integritatea teritorială, ordinea de drept şi principiile democraţiei. (Art. 8)
Political Parties
  • English
    (1) Citizens may freely associate into political parties, ...
    (2) The political parties or organizations which, by their aims or activity, militate against political pluralism, the principles of a State governed by the rule of law, or against the sovereignty, integrity or independence of Romania shall be unconstitutional.
    … (Art. 40)
  • Romanian
    (1) Cetăţenii se pot asocia liber în partide politice, …
    (2) Partidele sau organizaţiile care, prin scopurile ori prin activitatea lor, militează împotriva pluralismului politic, a principiilor statului de drept ori a suveranităţii, a integrităţii sau a independenţei României sunt neconstituţionale.
    … (Art. 40)

Constitution of Romania 1991, as amended to 2003 (English). According to Art. 13: “In Romania, the official language is Romanian.”

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