Constitution of the Republic of Serbia 2006, as amended to 2022
Political Rights and Association
  • English
    Every citizen of age and working ability of the Republic of Serbia shall have the right to vote and be elected.
    Suffrage shall be universal and equal for all, the elections shall be free and direct and voting is carried out by secret ballot in person.
    Election right shall be protected by the law and in accordance with the law. (Art. 52)
  • Serbian Cyrillic
    Сваки пунолетан, пословно способан држављанин Републике Србије има право да бира и да буде биран.
    Изборно право је опште и једнако, избори су слободни и непосредни, а гласање је тајно и лично.
    Изборно право ужива правну заштиту у складу са законом. (Члан 52)
Political Rights and Association
  • English

    Freedom of political, union and any other form of association shall be guaranteed, as well as the right to stay out of any association.
    ... (Art. 55)

  • Serbian Cyrillic

    Јемчи се слобода политичког, синдикалног и сваког другог удруживања и право да се остане изван сваког удружења.
    ... (Члан 55)


Constitution of the Republic of Serbia 2006, as amended to 2022 (English), available in HeinOnline World Constitutions Illustrated Library (2023) and Venice Commission CODICES database (2023). According to Art. 10: “Serbian language and Cyrillic script shall be in official use in the Republic of Serbia.”

Links to all sites last visited 5 December 2023

Note that the consolidated English translation of the constitution does not have subsection number 6. Translation taken from Constitution of the Republic of Serbia 2006.