Constitution of the Republic of Serbia 2006, as amended to 2022
  • English
    The National Assembly shall be the supreme representative body and holder of constitutional and legislative power in the Republic of Serbia. (Art. 98)
  • Serbian Cyrillic
    Народна скупштина је највише представничко тело и носилац уставотворне и законодавне власти у Републици Србији. (Члан 98)
  • English
    The National Assembly shall consist of 250 deputies, who are elected on direct elections by secret ballot, in accordance with the Law.
    In the National Assembly, equality and representation of different genders and members of national minorities shall be provided, in accordance with Law. (Art. 100)
  • Serbian Cyrillic
    Народну скупштину чини 250 народних посланика, који се бирају на непосредним изборима, тајним гласањем, у складу са законом.
    У Народној скупштини обезбеђују се равноправност и заступљеност полова и представника националних мањина, у складу са законом. (Члан 100)

Constitution of the Republic of Serbia 2006, as amended to 2022 (English), available in HeinOnline World Constitutions Illustrated Library (2023) and Venice Commission CODICES database (2023). According to Art. 10: “Serbian language and Cyrillic script shall be in official use in the Republic of Serbia.”

Links to all sites last visited 5 December 2023

Note that the consolidated English translation of the constitution does not have subsection number 6. Translation taken from Constitution of the Republic of Serbia 2006.