Constitution of the Republic of Serbia 2006, as amended to 2022
National Human Rights Bodies
  • English
    The Civic Defender shall be independent state body who shall protect citizens' rights and monitor the work of public administration bodies, body in charge of legal protection of proprietary rights and interests of the Republic of Serbia, as well as other bodies and organizations, companies and institutions to which public powers have been delegated.
    The Civic Defender shall not be authorized to monitor the work of the National Assembly, President of the Republic, Government, Constitutional Court, courts and Public Prosecutor's Offices.
    The Civic Defender shall be elected and dismissed by the National Assembly, in accordance with the Constitution and Law.
    … (Art. 138)
  • Serbian Cyrillic
    Заштитник грађана је независан државни орган који штити права грађана и контролише рад органа државне управе, органа надлежног за правну заштиту имовинских права и интереса Републике Србије, као и других органа и организација, предузећа и установа којима су поверена јавна овлашћења.
    Заштитник грађана није овлашћен да контролише рад Народне скупштине, председника Републике, Владе, Уставног суда, судова и јавних тужилаштава.
    Заштитника грађана бира и разрешава Народна скупштина, у складу са Уставом и законом.
    ... (Члан 138)

Constitution of the Republic of Serbia 2006, as amended to 2022 (English), available in HeinOnline World Constitutions Illustrated Library (2023) and Venice Commission CODICES database (2023). According to Art. 10: “Serbian language and Cyrillic script shall be in official use in the Republic of Serbia.”

Links to all sites last visited 5 December 2023

Note that the consolidated English translation of the constitution does not have subsection number 6. Translation taken from Constitution of the Republic of Serbia 2006.