Constitution of the Republic of Slovenia 1991, as amended to 2021
Judicial Protection
  • English

    Judicial protection of human rights and fundamental freedoms, and the right to obtain redress for the violation of such rights and freedoms, shall be guaranteed.
    … (Art. 15)

  • Slovene

    Zagotovljeni sta sodno varstvo človekovih pravic in temeljnih svoboščin ter pravica do odprave posledice njihove kršitve.
    ... (15. Člen)

Judicial Protection
  • English
    Everyone has the right to have any decision regarding his rights, duties, and any charges brought against him made without undue delay by an independent, impartial court constituted by law.
    … (Art. 23)
  • Slovene
    Vsakdo ima pravico, da o njegovih pravicah in dolžnostih ter o obtožbah proti njemu brez nepotrebnega odlašanja odloča neodvisno, nepristransko in z zakonom ustanovljeno sodišče.
    … (23. Člen)
Judicial Protection
  • English
    Everyone shall be guaranteed the right to appeal or to any other legal remedy against the decisions of courts and other state authorities, local community authorities, and bearers of public authority by which his rights, duties, or legal interests are determined. (Art. 25)
  • Slovene
    Vsakomur je zagotovljena pravica do pritožbe ali drugega pravnega sredstva proti odločbam sodišč in drugih državnih organov, organov lokalnih skupnosti in nosilcev javnih pooblastil, s katerimi ti odločajo o njegovih pravicah, dolžnostih ali pravnih interesih. (25. Člen)
Judicial Protection
  • English

    Judicial protection of the rights and legal interests of citizens and organisations is guaranteed against decisions and actions of administrative authorities and bearers of public authority. (Art. 120)

  • Slovene

    Proti odločitvam in dejanjem upravnih organov in nosilcev javnih pooblastil je zagotovljeno sodno varstvo pravic in zakonitih interesov državljanov in organizacij. (120. Člen)

Judicial Protection
  • English
    A court having jurisdiction to review administrative acts decides the legality of final individual acts with which state authorities, local community authorities, and bearers of public authority decide the rights or obligations and legal entitlements of individuals and organisations, if other legal protection is not provided by law for a particular matter.
    If other legal protection is not provided, the court having jurisdiction to review administrative acts also decides on the legality of individual actions and acts which intrude upon the constitutional rights of the individual. (Art. 157)
  • Slovene
    O zakonitosti dokončnih posamičnih aktov, s katerimi državni organi, organi lokalnih skupnosti in nosilci javnih pooblastil odločajo o pravicah ali o obveznostih in pravnih koristih posameznikov in organizacij, odloča v upravnem sporu pristojno sodišče, če za določeno zadevo ni z zakonom predvideno drugo sodno varstvo.
    Če ni zagotovljeno drugo sodno varstvo, odloča v upravnem sporu pristojno sodišče tudi o zakonitosti posamičnih dejanj in aktov, s katerimi se posega v ustavne pravice posameznika. (157. Člen)
Judicial Protection
  • English
    The Constitutional Court decides:

    - on constitutional complaints stemming from the violation of human rights and fundamental freedoms by individual acts;
    … (Art. 160)
  • Slovene
    Ustavno sodišče odloča:

    - o ustavnih pritožbah zaradi kršitev človekovih pravic in temeljnih svoboščin s posamičnimi akti;
    … (160. Člen)
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