Constitution of the Republic of Slovenia 1991, as amended to 2021
Political Rights and Association
  • English

    Everyone has the right to freedom of association with others.
    … (Art. 42)

  • Slovene

    Vsakdo ima pravico, da se svobodno združuje z drugimi.
    … (42. Člen)

Political Rights and Association
  • English
    The right to vote shall be universal and equal.
    Every citizen who has attained the age of eighteen years has the right to vote and be elected.

    The law shall provide measures for encouraging the equal opportunity of men and women in standing for election to state authorities and local community authorities. (Art. 43)
  • Slovene
    Volilna pravica je splošna in enaka.
    Vsak državljan, ki je dopolnil 18 let, ima pravico voliti in biti voljen.

    Zakon določi ukrepe za spodbujanje enakih možnosti moških in žensk pri kandidiranju na volitvah v državne organe in organe lokalnih skupnosti. (43. Člen)
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