Constitution of Spain 1978, as amended to 2024
  • English
    (1) Everyone has the right to education. …
    (2) Education shall aim at the full development of human personality with due respect for the democratic principles of coexistence and for basic rights and freedoms.

    (4) Elementary education is compulsory and free.
    (5) The public authorities guarantee the right of all to education, through general education programming, with the effective participation of all sectors concerned and the setting-up of educational centres.

    (8) The public authorities shall inspect and standardise the educational system in order to ensure compliance with the law.
    ... (Sec. 27)
  • Spanish
    1. Todos tienen el derecho a la educación. …
    2. La educación tendrá por objeto el pleno desarrollo de la personalidad humana en el respeto a los principios democráticos de convivencia y a los derechos y libertades fundamentales.

    4. La enseñanza básica es obligatoria y gratuita.
    5. Los poderes públicos garantizan el derecho de todos a la educación, mediante una programación general de la enseñanza, con participación efectiva de todos los sectores afectados y la creación de centros docentes.

    8. Los poderes públicos inspeccionarán y homologarán el sistema educativo para garantizar el cumplimiento de las leyes.
    ... (Art. 27)
Links to all sites last visited 9 April 2024

3- Chapter 2 on Rights and Liberties.
4- Chapter 3 on Principles governing Ecomic and Social Policy


5- Chapter 2 on Rights and Liberties.
6- Chapter 3 on Principles governing Ecomic and Social Policy