Constitution of Spain 1978, as amended to 2024
Participation in Public Life and Institutions
  • English
    (2) It is the responsibility of the public authorities to promote conditions ensuring that freedom and equality of individuals and of the groups to which they belong are real and effective, to remove the obstacles preventing or hindering their full enjoyment, and to facilitate the participation of all citizens in political, economic, cultural and social life.
    … (Sec. 9)
  • Spanish
    2. Corresponde a los poderes públicos promover las condiciones para que la libertad y la igualdad del individuo y de los grupos en que se integra sean reales y efectivas; remover los obstáculos que impidan o dificulten su plenitud y facilitar la participación de todos los ciudadanos en la vida política, económica, cultural y social.
    … (Art. 9)
Participation in Public Life and Institutions
  • English
    (1) Citizens have the right to participate in public affairs, directly or through representatives freely elected in periodic elections by universal suffrage.
    (2) They also have the right to accede under conditions of equality to public functions and positions, in accordance with the requirements laid down by the law. (Sec. 23)
  • Spanish
    1. Los ciudadanos tienen el derecho a participar en los asuntos públicos, directamente o por medio de representantes, libremente elegidos en elecciones periódicas por sufragio universal.
    2. Asimismo, tienen derecho a acceder en condiciones de igualdad a las funciones y cargos públicos, con los requisitos que señalen las leyes. (Art. 23)
Participation in Public Life and Institutions
  • English
    The public authorities shall promote conditions directed for the free and effective participation of young people in political, social, economic and cultural development. (Sec. 48)
  • Spanish
    Los poderes públicos promoverán las condiciones para la participación libre y eficaz de la juventud en el desarrollo político, social, económico y cultural. (Art. 48)
Participation in Public Life and Institutions
  • English
    1. The State shall have exclusive competence over the following matters:
    18) Basic rules of the legal system of Public Administrations and the status of their officials which shall, in any case, guarantee that all persons under said administrations will receive equal treatment;
    … (Sec. 149)
  • Spanish
    1. El Estado tiene competencia exclusiva sobre las siguientes materias:

    18. Las bases del régimen jurídico de las Administraciones públicas y del régimen estatutario de sus funcionarios que, en todo caso, garantizarán a los administrados un tratamiento común ante ellas;
    ... (Art. 149)
Links to all sites last visited 9 April 2024

3- Chapter 2 on Rights and Liberties.
4- Chapter 3 on Principles governing Ecomic and Social Policy


5- Chapter 2 on Rights and Liberties.
6- Chapter 3 on Principles governing Ecomic and Social Policy