Constitution of Spain 1978, as amended to 2024
Citizenship and Nationality
  • English
    (1) Spanish nationality shall be acquired, retained and lost in accordance with the provisions of the law.
    (2) No person of Spanish birth may be deprived of his or her nationality.
    (3) The State may negotiate dual nationality treaties with Latin-American countries or with those which have had or which have special links with Spain. In these countries Spaniards may become naturalized without losing their nationality of origin, even if those countries do not grant a reciprocal right to their own citizens. (Sec. 11)
  • Spanish
    1. La nacionalidad española se adquiere, se conserva y se pierde de acuerdo con lo establecido por la ley.
    2. Ningún español de origen podrá ser privado de su nacionalidad.
    3. El Estado podrá concertar tratados de doble nacionalidad con los países iberoamericanos o con aquellos que hayan tenido o tengan una particular vinculación con España. En estos mismos países, aun cuando no reconozcan a sus ciudadanos un derecho recíproco, podrán naturalizarse los españoles sin perder su nacionalidad de origen. (Art. 11)
Citizenship and Nationality
  • English
    1. The State shall have exclusive competence over the following matters:

    2) Nationality,
    … (Sec. 149)
  • Spanish
    1. El Estado tiene competencia exclusiva sobre las siguientes materias:

    2ª. Nacionalidad,
    … (Art. 149)
Links to all sites last visited 9 April 2024

3- Chapter 2 on Rights and Liberties.
4- Chapter 3 on Principles governing Ecomic and Social Policy


5- Chapter 2 on Rights and Liberties.
6- Chapter 3 on Principles governing Ecomic and Social Policy