Constitution of Sweden 1974, as amended to 2018
Protection from Violence
  • English
    As an offense of freedom of the press, unlawful depiction of violence which means that someone in the picture depicts sexual violence or coercion is intentionally disseminated, unless the act is justifiable in the circumstances. (Freedom of the Press Act, Chapter 7, Art. 7)4
  • Swedish
    Som tryckfrihetsbrott anses olaga våldsskildring som innebär att någon i bild skildrar sexuellt våld eller tvång med uppsåt att bilden sprids, om inte gärningen med hänsyn till omständigheterna är försvarlig. (Tryckfrihetsförordning (1949:105), 7 kap, 7 §)
Protection from Violence
  • English
    Everyone shall be protected against corporal punishment. No one may be subjected to torture or medical intervention with the purpose of extorting or suppressing statements. (Instrument of Government, Chapter 2, Art. 5)
  • Swedish
    Var och en är skyddad mot kroppsstraff. Ingen får heller utsättas för tortyr eller för medicinsk påverkan i syfte att framtvinga eller hindra yttranden. (Kungörelse (1974:152) om beslutad ny regeringsform, 2 kap, 5§)
Protection from Violence
  • English
    Everyone shall be protected in their relations with the public institutions against any physical violation also in cases other than cases under Articles 4 and 5.
    … (Instrument of Government, Chapter 2, Art. 6)
  • Swedish
    Var och en är gentemot det allmänna skyddad mot påtvingat kroppsligt ingrepp även i andra fall än som avses i 4 och 5 §§.
    ... (Kungörelse (1974:152) om beslutad ny regeringsform, 2 kap, 6§)
Protection from Violence
  • English
    The freedom which follows from paragraph one does not preclude the publication in law of provisions concerning:

    5. interventions against continued broadcasting of a selection aimed at depictions of violence, pornographic images, or incitment against ethnic group. (Fundamental Law on Freedom of Expression, Chapter 3, Art. 2)5
  • Swedish
    Den frihet som följer av 1 § hindrar inte att det i lag meddelas föreskrifter om

    6. ingripanden mot fortsatt sändning av ett utbud som inriktas på våldsframställningar, pornografiska bilder eller hets mot folkgrupp. (Yttrandefrihetsgrundlag. (1991:1469), 3 kap, 2§)
Links to all sites last visited 31 March 2021
Reference to Chapter 2, Article 22, para. 1 "A draft law under Article 20 shall be held in abeyance, unless rejected by the Riksdag, for a minimum of twelve months from the date on which the first Riksdag committee report on the proposal was submitted to the Chamber, if so moved by at least ten members. The Riksdag may, however, adopt the proposal directly if it has the support of at least five sixths of those voting. ..."
Freedom of the Press Act, Chap. 7, Art. 7 as amended by 2018 Amendment; In-house translation by UN Women, 2019.
Fundamental Law on Freedom of Expression, Chapter 3, Art. 2 as amended by 2018 Amendment; In-house translation by UN Women, 2019.