Constitution of Sweden 1974, as amended to 2018
Obligations of the State
  • English
    No act of law or other provision may be adopted which contravenes Sweden’s undertakings under the European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms. (Instrument of Government, Chapter 2, Art. 19)
  • Swedish
    Lag eller annan föreskrift får inte meddelas i strid med Sveriges åtaganden på grund av den europeiska konventionen angående skydd för de mänskliga rättigheterna och de grundläggande friheterna. (Kungörelse (1974:152) om beslutad ny regeringsform, 2 kap, 19§)
Obligations of the State
  • English
    Within the framework of European Union cooperation, the Riksdag may transfer decision-making authority which does not affect the basic principles by which Sweden is governed. Such transfer presupposes that protection for rights and freedoms in the field of cooperation to which the transfer relates corresponds to that afforded under this Instrument of Government and the European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms.
    … (Instrument of Government, Chapter 10, Art. 6)
  • Swedish
    Inom ramen för samarbetet i Europeiska unionen kan riksdagen överlåta beslutanderätt som inte rör principerna för statsskicket. Sådan överlåtelse förutsätter att fri- och rättighetsskyddet inom det samarbetsområde till vilket överlåtelsen sker motsvarar det som ges i denna regeringsform och i den europeiska konventionen angående skydd för de mänskliga rättigheterna och de grundläggande friheterna.
    … (Kungörelse (1974:152) om beslutad ny regeringsform, 10 kap, 6§)
Links to all sites last visited 31 March 2021
Reference to Chapter 2, Article 22, para. 1 "A draft law under Article 20 shall be held in abeyance, unless rejected by the Riksdag, for a minimum of twelve months from the date on which the first Riksdag committee report on the proposal was submitted to the Chamber, if so moved by at least ten members. The Riksdag may, however, adopt the proposal directly if it has the support of at least five sixths of those voting. ..."
Freedom of the Press Act, Chap. 7, Art. 7 as amended by 2018 Amendment; In-house translation by UN Women, 2019.
Fundamental Law on Freedom of Expression, Chapter 3, Art. 2 as amended by 2018 Amendment; In-house translation by UN Women, 2019.