Constitution of Sweden 1974, as amended to 2022
Public Institutions and Services
  • English

    Public power shall be exercised with respect for the equal worth of all and the liberty and dignity of the individual.
    The personal, economic and cultural welfare of the individual shall be fundamental aims of public activity. In particular, the public institutions shall secure the right to employment, housing and education, and shall promote social care and social security, as well as favourable conditions for good health.
    … (Instrument of Government, Chapter 1, Art. 2)

  • Swedish

    Den offentliga makten ska utövas med respekt för alla människors lika värde och för den enskilda människans frihet och värdighet.
    Den enskildes personliga, ekonomiska och kulturella välfärd ska vara grundläggande mål för den offentliga verksamheten. Särskilt ska det allmänna trygga rätten till arbete, bostad och utbildning samt verka för social omsorg och trygghet och för goda förutsättningar för hälsa.
    ... (Kungörelse (1974:152) om beslutad ny regeringsform, 1 kap, 2§)


Fundamental laws of the Kingdom of Sweden 1974, as amended to 2022 (English). According to Instrument of Government, Chapter 1, Art. 3: “The Instrument of Government, the Act of Succession, the Freedom of the Press Act and the Fundamental Law on Freedom of Expression are Sweden’s fundamental laws.”

Links to all sites last visited 20 May 2024
Reference to Chapter 2, Article 22, para. 1 "A draft law under Article 20 shall be held in abeyance, unless rejected by the Riksdag, for a minimum of twelve months from the date on which the first Riksdag committee report on the proposal was submitted to the Chamber, if so moved by at least ten members. The Riksdag may, however, adopt the proposal directly if it has the support of at least five sixths of those voting. ..."