Constitution of the Republic of Fiji 2013
Marriage and Family Life
  • English
    (1) Every person has the right to personal privacy, which includes the right to—

    (c) respect for their private and family life.
    … (Sec. 24)
  • iTaukei
    (1) Na tamata yadua e tu vua na dodonu kei na galala yadua, qo e okati kina na dodonu ni kena—

    (c) rokovi na nodra bula vakaitaukei kei na gauna vakavuvale.
    … (Sec. 24)
Marriage and Family Life
  • English

    (3) A person must not be unfairly discriminated against, directly or indirectly on the grounds of his or her—
    (a) actual or supposed personal characteristics or circumstances, including race, culture, ethnic or social origin, colour, place of origin, sex, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity and expression, birth, primary language, economic or social or health status, disability, age, religion, conscience, marital status or pregnancy;
    (b) opinions or beliefs, except to the extent that those opinions or beliefs involve harm to others or the diminution of the rights or freedoms of others, or on any other ground prohibited by this Constitution.

    (8) A law, or an administrative action taken under a law, is not inconsistent with the rights mentioned in this section on the ground that it—

    (e) makes provision with respect to adoption, marriage, devolution of property on death, and pension;
    … (Sec. 26)
  • iTaukei

    (3) Na veivakaduiduitaki e vakatabui vakalawa kevaka e yaco vua e dua na tamata ena vuku ni—
    (a) nona ivakarau se kena ituvaki, oka kina na veimatatamata e lewena, nona itovo vakavanua, kawatamata, kuliniyago, na nona yavutu, kevaka e yalewa se tagane, kevaka e tagane, na nona digitaka me vinakata na tagane, kevaka e yalewa, na nona digitaka me vinakata na yalewa, se nona digitaka me vinakata ruarua na yalewa kei na tagane, nomu digitaka se vakaraitaka mo bulataka na bula vakatagane se bula vakayalewa, kevaka e gone susu se sucu ena daku ni vakamau, vosanisucu, ituvaki ni bula se bula vakailavo, vakaleqai vakayago, yabaki ni bula, nomu vakabauta, lewa e loma, vakawati se sega, se kevaka e bukete;
    (b) nomu vakasama se vakabauta, vakavo kevaka na vakasama se vakabauta qo e vakamavoataka tale e so na tamata se na kena vakalailaitaka na nona dodonu se galala tale e so, se ena dua tale na tikina e vakatabui ena Yavunivakavulewa qo.

    (8) Na lawa se na vakatulewa e vakayacori ena dua na lawa tabaki, e sega ni veicoqacoqa kei na dodonu e virikotori ena tikina qo kevaka e—

    (e) vakarautaka na veika vakaivola me baleta na gone vakacabecabe, vakamau, dewa na taukeni ni iyau ena vuku ni mate kei na peniseni;
    … (Sec. 26)
Marriage and Family Life
  • English
    (1) Every child has the right—

    (c) to family care, protection and guidance, which includes the equal responsibility of the child’s parents to provide for the child—
    (i) whether or not the parents are, or have ever been, married to each other; and
    (ii) whether or not the parents are living together, have lived together, or are separated;
    … (Sec. 41)
  • iTaukei
    (1) Na gone yadua e tu vua na dodonu—

    (c) me qaravi vakavinaka mai na matavuvale, taqomaki, ka vakasalataki, oka kina na nodrau vakaitavi vakatautauvata na itubutubu ena nona qaravi na gone—
    (i) veitalia ke rau sega ni vakamau na itubutubu; ka
    (ii) veitalia ke rau tiko vata na itubutubu se sega, rau a tiko vata ena dua na gauna, se rau sa veibiu;
    … (Sec. 41)

Constitution of The Republic of Fiji of 2013 (English). According to Sec. 3(4): "If there is an apparent difference between the meaning of the English version of a provision of this Constitution, and its meaning in the iTaukei and Hindi versions, the English version prevails.”

Links to all sites last visited 9 February 2024
Chapter 2 on Bill of Rights.
Chapter 2 on Bill of Rights.

Chapter 2 on Bill of Rights.

Chapter 2 on Bill of Rights.
Chapter 2 on Bill of Rights.
Chapter 2 on Bill of Rights.
According to Sec. 163: ““property” includes any vested or contingent right to, or interest in or arising from— (a) land, or permanent fixtures on, or improvements to, land; (b) goods or personal property; …”
Chapter 2 on Bill of Rights.