Constitution of the Republic of Fiji 2013
Obligations of the State
  • English

    COMMIT ourselves to the recognition and protection of human rights, and respect for human dignity;
    … (Preamble)
  • iTaukei

    CUQENA na rokovi kei na taqomaki ni dodonu ni lewenivanua kei na dokai ni itovo ni lewenivanua;
    … (Ikau)
Obligations of the State
  • English
    The Republic of Fiji is a sovereign democratic State founded on the values of—

    (b) respect for human rights, freedom and the rule of law;
    … (Sec. 1)
  • iTaukei
    Na Matanitu Tugalala o Viti e matanitu tuvakaikoya, yavutaki ena—

    (b) rokovi na dodonu ni tamata yadua, galala kei na lawa;
    … (Sec. 1)
Obligations of the State
  • English
    (1) This Chapter3 binds the legislative, executive and judicial branches of government at all levels, and every person performing the functions of any public office.
    (2) The State and every person holding public office must respect, protect, promote and fulfil the rights and freedoms recognised in this Chapter.
    … (Sec. 6)
  • iTaukei
    (1) Na Wase qo e kovuta na tabana ni bulilawa, mataveilewai kei na veiliutaki vakamatanitu, okati kina na tamata cakacaka ena valenivolavola ni lewenivanua.
    (2) Na Matanitu kei na tamata cakacaka ena valenivolavola ni lewenivanua e dodonu mera doka, maroroya, vakadewataka ka muria na dodonu kei na galala e virikotori ena Wase qo.
    … (Sec. 6)
Obligations of the State
  • English
    (1) In addition to complying with section 3, when interpreting and applying this Chapter4, a court, tribunal or other authority—
    (a) must promote the values that underlie a democratic society based on human dignity, equality and freedom; and
    (b) may, if relevant, consider international law, applicable to the protection of the rights and freedoms in this Chapter.
    (2) This Chapter does not deny, or prevent the recognition of, any other right or freedom recognised or conferred by common law or written law, except to the extent that it is inconsistent with this Chapter.
    (3) A law that limits a right or freedom set out in this Chapter is not invalid solely because the law exceeds the limits imposed by this Chapter if the law is reasonably capable of a more restricted interpretation that does not exceed those limits, and in that case, the law must be construed in accordance with the more restricted interpretation.
    … (Sec. 7)
  • iTaukei
    (1) Ena iKuri ni veika e toqai ena tikina 3, na veigauna kece e vakamacalataki se vakayagataki kina na Wase qo, na mataveilewai, mataveivaqaqai se dua na matabose se tabacakacaka e cake—
    (a) e dodonu me tutaka ka vakamacalataka na ivalavala ni bula ni tu galala e rokovi kina na bula ni tamata, duavata kei na dodonu; kei na
    (b) ke yaga, me rawa ni vakasamataka tale ga na lawa levu kei vuravura e rawa ni vakayagataki ena maroroi ni dodonu kei na galala ena Wase qo.
    (2) Na Wase qo e sega ni cakitaka se tarova na kena kilai na dodonu se galala e umani ena lawa raraba se lawa tabaki, vakavo ke sega ni duavata kei na lawa ena Wase qo.
    (3) E dua na lawa e yalana na dodonu kei na galala e vakamacalataki ena Wase qo, e sega ni kena ibalebale ni sega na kena kaukauwa ni sa veicalati kei na iyalayala e dusimaka na Wase qo, kevaka e rawa ni vakaukauwataki na yalani ni kena vakamacalataki, me kua kina ni sivia na iyalayala e dusimaka na Wase qo. Ena tikina oya, e dodonu me vakaukauwataki na yalani ni kena ivakamacala.
    … (Sec. 7)
Obligations of the State
  • English

    (2) Equality includes the full and equal enjoyment of all rights and freedoms recognised in this Chapter5 or any other written law.
    … (Sec. 26)

  • iTaukei

    (2) Na dodonu ni tamata me qaravi vakatautauvata ena mata ni lawa e okati kina na kena vakayagataki vakatautauvata na dodonu kei na galala e virikotori ena Wase qo se na dua tale na lawa tabaki.
    … (Sec. 26)

Obligations of Private Parties
  • English

    (3) A provision of this Chapter6 binds a natural or legal person, taking into account—
    (a) the nature of the right or freedom recognised in that provision; and
    (b) the nature of any restraint or duty imposed by that provision.
    … (Sec. 6)
  • iTaukei

    (3) E dua na tiki ni Wase qo e kovuta na tamata se matakabani, okati kina—
    (a) na dodonu se galala e virikotori ena tiki ni Wase qo; kei na
    (b) vakatatabu se itavi e virikotori ena tiki ni Wase qo.
    … (Sec. 6)
Judicial Protection
  • English

    (4) This Constitution shall be enforced through the courts, to ensure that––

    (b) rights and freedoms are protected;
    … (Sec. 2)
  • iTaukei

    (4) Na Yavunivakavulewa qo e dodonu me vaqaqacotaka na mataveilewai me vakadeitaka na—

    (b) maroroi na dodonu kei na galala;
    … (Sec. 2)
Judicial Protection
  • English
    (1) This Chapter7 binds the legislative, executive and judicial branches of government at all levels, and every person performing the functions of any public office.
    … (Sec. 6)
  • iTaukei
    (1) Na Wase qo e kovuta na tabana ni bulilawa, mataveilewai kei na veiliutaki vakamatanitu, okati kina na tamata cakacaka ena valenivolavola ni lewenivanua.
    … (Sec. 6)
Judicial Protection
  • English
    (1) If a person considers that any of the provisions of this Chapter8 has been or is likely to be contravened in relation to him or her (or, in the case of a person who is detained, if another person considers that there has been, or is likely to be, a contravention in relation to the detained person), then that person (or the other person) may apply to the High Court for redress.
    (2) The right to make application to the High Court under subsection (1) is without prejudice to any other action with respect to the matter that the person concerned may have.
    (3) The High Court has original jurisdiction—
    (a) to hear and determine applications under subsection (1); and
    (b) to determine questions that are referred to it under subsection (5), and may make such orders and give such directions as it considers appropriate.
    (4) The High Court may exercise its discretion not to grant relief in relation to an application or referral made under this section if it considers that an adequate alternative remedy is available to the person concerned.
    (5) If in any proceedings in a subordinate court any question arises as to the contravention of any of the provisions of this Chapter, the member presiding in the proceedings may, and must if a party to the proceedings so requests, refer the question to the High Court unless, in the member’s opinion (which is final and not subject to appeal), the raising of the question is frivolous or vexatious.
    … (Sec. 44)
  • iTaukei
    (1) Ke dua na tamata e vakabauta ni dua na nona dodonu e virikotori ena Wase qo e sa vakaleqai se rawa ni vakaleqai (se, ke dua e vesu tiko, ka vakabauta e dua tale na tamata ni rawa ni vakaleqai na nona dodonu na tamata e vesu tiko) na tamata qo (se na tamata e vesu tiko) e rawa ni kerea na Mataveilewai e Cake me dikevi na tabana qo.
    (2) Na dodonu ni kena kerei ena Mataveilewai e Cake me dikeva na kena vakaleqai na dodonu ni tamata me vaka e virikotori ena wasetiki (1), ena sega ni tarova na nona dodonu na tamata qo ena vuku ni so tale na veivuke vakalawa e tiko me baleti koya.
    (3) Na Mataveilewai e Cake e tu vua na kaukauwa—
    (a) me rogoca ka vakatulewataka ena nona kudru e dua e vakaleqai na nona dodonu me vaka e virikotori ena wasetiki (1); kei na
    (b) kena vakatulewataki na vakatataro a kau cake mai ena wasetiki (5); ka rawa ni solia na ivakaro kei na ivakasala e matau.
    (4) Na Mataveilewai e Cake e rawa ni vakatulewa vakamatau me kua ni vakadonuya na kerekere e biu cake yani, se e yavutaki ena wasetiki qo kevaka e vakabauta ni tiko tale e dua na iwali e rawa ni vakayagataki.
    (5) Kevaka e rogoci ena dua na mataveilewai lalai e so na vakatataro me baleta na kena saqati na veitikina e so ena Wase qo, sa nona itavi na Daunilewa me vagolea na vakatataro i na Mataveilewai e Cake, se ena nona kerekere e dua na ilawalawa i na kisi, na mataveilewai lalai e rawa ni vagolea na vakatataro i na Mataveilewai e Cake. Ia, na vagolei ni vakatataro i na Mataveilewai e Cake ena sega ni vakayacori kevaka ena nona nanuma na Daunilewa (ka na sega ni rawa ni rogoci tale na nona vakatulewa) kevaka na taro e vinakati me vagolei ena Mataveilewai e Cake e vaqitoqito se veivakacudrui.
    … (Sec. 44)
National Human Rights Bodies
  • English
    (1) The Human Rights Commission established under the Human Rights Commission Decree 2009 continues in existence as the Human Rights and Anti-Discrimination Commission.
    (2) The Commission consists of—
    (a) a chairperson, who must be a person who is or is qualified to be appointed as a judge; and
    (b) 4 other members, appointed by the President on the advice of the Constitutional Offices Commission.

    (4) Subject to this Constitution, the Commission is responsible for—
    (a) promoting the protection and observance of, and respect for, human rights in public and private institutions, and to develop a culture of human rights in Fiji;
    (b) education about the rights and freedoms recognised in this Chapter, as well as other internationally recognised rights and freedoms;
    (c) monitoring, investigating and reporting on the observance of human rights in all spheres of life;
    (d) making recommendations to Government concerning matters affecting the rights and freedoms recognised in this Chapter, including recommendations concerning existing or proposed laws;
    (e) receiving and investigating complaints about alleged abuses of human rights and take steps to secure appropriate redress if human rights have been violated, including making applications to court for redress or for other forms of relief or remedies;
    (f) investigating or researching, on its own initiative or on the basis of a complaint, any matter in respect of human rights, and make recommendations to improve the functioning of public or private entities;
    (g) monitoring compliance by the State with obligations under treaties and conventions relating to human rights; and
    (h) performing any other functions or exercising any powers as are conferred on the Commission by a written law.
    (5) Subject to this Constitution, any person has the right to lodge a complaint with the Commission, alleging that a right or freedom in this Chapter has been denied, violated or infringed, or is threatened.
    ... (Sec. 45)
  • iTaukei
    (1) Na Matabose ni Dodonu ni Tamata e tauyavutaki ena Dikiri ni Matabose ni Dodonu ni Tamata 2009, me na tomani tiko me Matabose ni Dodonu ni Tamata kei na Valuti ni Veivakaduiduitaki.
    (2) Na Matabose me na lewena—
    (a) e dua na Jemeni, ka rawa ni digitaki me Daunilewa; kei na
    (b) 4 tale na lewena, me digitaka na Peresitedi ena ivakasala ni Matabose ni Valenivolavola ni Yavunivakavulewa.

    (4) Vakavo ke vakarautaki ena Yavunivakavulewa qo, na itavi ni Matabose me—
    (a) vakatetea na taqomaki, dikevi na kena rokovi na dodonu ni tamata ena veimatabose taucoko, ka me vakatorocaketaka na itovo ni dodonu ni tamata e Viti;
    (b) vakayaco vuli me baleta na dodonu kei na galala e taurivaki ena Wase qo, oka kina na dodonu kei na galala e taurivaki ka vakayagataki ena veimatanitu e vuravura;
    (c) wanonova,vaqaqa ka volaitukutukutaka na kena vakamuri na dodonu ni tamata ena veitaba taucoko ni bula;
    (d) vakatututaka i na Matanitu na veiulutaga e so e vakaleqa tiko na dodonu kei na gagala taurivaki ena Wase qo, vakakina na vakatutu me baleta na lawa sa tiko rawa kei na kena e se qai vakarau buli;
    (e) ciqoma ka vaqaqa na kudru e so me baleta na veibeitaki ni kena voroki na dodonu ni tamata, ka cavuikalawa me walia, kevaka sa vakadinadinataki ni sa voroki na dodonu ni tamata, oka kina na kena vakatututaki ena mataveilewai se me vaqarai e so tale na iwali vinaka;
    (f) vaqaqa se vakadidiketaka ena nona vakatulewa ga se ena dua na kudru ni lewenivanua, e dua na kudru e baleta na dodonu ni tamata ka soli ivakasala me vakavinakataka na tabana oqo;
    (g) wanonova matua na Matanitu ena veiyalayalati kei na veidinadinati sa vakadeitaka kei na veimatanitu me baleta na dodonu ni tamata yadua; kei na
    (h) vakayacori ni itavi tale e so, se na kena vakayagataki na kaukauwa e solia na lawa tabaki vua na Matabose.
    (5) Vakavo ke vakarautaki ena Yavunivakavulewa qo, na tamata yadua e tu vua na dodonu me vakaraitaka nona kudru i na Matabose, me vakaraitaka kina na nona dodonu kei na galala e yavutaki ena Wase qo, e sega ni vakamuri se vakacacani.
    … (Sec. 45)

Constitution of The Republic of Fiji of 2013 (English). According to Sec. 3(4): "If there is an apparent difference between the meaning of the English version of a provision of this Constitution, and its meaning in the iTaukei and Hindi versions, the English version prevails.”

Links to all sites last visited 9 February 2024
Chapter 2 on Bill of Rights.
Chapter 2 on Bill of Rights.

Chapter 2 on Bill of Rights.

Chapter 2 on Bill of Rights.
Chapter 2 on Bill of Rights.
Chapter 2 on Bill of Rights.
According to Sec. 163: ““property” includes any vested or contingent right to, or interest in or arising from— (a) land, or permanent fixtures on, or improvements to, land; (b) goods or personal property; …”
Chapter 2 on Bill of Rights.