Constitution of the Republic of Fiji 2013
Limitations and/or Derogations
  • English

    (4) A legal person has the rights and freedoms recognised in this Chapter, to the extent required by the nature of the right or freedom, and the nature of the particular legal person.
    (5) The rights and freedoms set out in this Chapter apply according to their tenor and may be limited by—
    (a) limitations expressly prescribed, authorised or permitted (whether by or under a written law) in relation to a particular right or freedom in this Chapter;
    (b) limitations prescribed or set out in, or authorised or permitted by, other provisions of this Constitution; or
    (c) limitations which are not expressly set out or authorised (whether by or under a written law) in relation to a particular right or freedom in this Chapter, but which are necessary and are prescribed by a law or provided under a law or authorised or permitted by a law or by actions taken under the authority of a law.
    … (Sec. 6)
  • iTaukei

    (4) Na matakabani e tu vua na dodonu kei na galala me vaka e virikotori ena Wase qo, me yacova na kena iyalayala e vakatarai me vakayagataki kina na dodonu se na galala qo ka na vakatautaki tale ga ena ituvaki ni matakabani.
    (5) Na dodonu kei na galala e vakamacalataki ena Wase qo ena rawa ni yalani ena—
    (a) so na vanua vakarautaki se vakadonui (veitalia ke virikotori ena lawa tabaki se sega) ena tiki ni dodonu se galala ena Wase qo;
    (b) so na vanua vakarautaki se vakadonui ena dua na tikina vakarautaki ena Yavunivakavulewa qo; se
    (c) so na vanua e sega ni vakarautaki se vakadonui (veitalia ke virikotori ena lawa tabaki se sega) ena tiki ni dodonu se galala ena Wase qo; ia e gadrevi ka tauyavutaki vakalawa se vakarautaki ena dua na lawa se vakadonui vakalawa se vakayacori ena veivakadonui vakalawa.
    … (Sec. 6)
Limitations and/or Derogations
  • English
    (1) In addition to complying with section 3, when interpreting and applying this Chapter, a court, tribunal or other authority—
    (a) must promote the values that underlie a democratic society based on human dignity, equality and freedom; and
    (b) may, if relevant, consider international law, applicable to the protection of the rights and freedoms in this Chapter.
    (2) This Chapter does not deny, or prevent the recognition of, any other right or freedom recognised or conferred by common law or written law, except to the extent that it is inconsistent with this Chapter.
    (3) A law that limits a right or freedom set out in this Chapter is not invalid solely because the law exceeds the limits imposed by this Chapter if the law is reasonably capable of a more restricted interpretation that does not exceed those limits, and in that case, the law must be construed in accordance with the more restricted interpretation.
    … (Sec. 7)
  • iTaukei
    (1) Ena iKuri ni veika e toqai ena tikina 3, na veigauna kece e vakamacalataki se vakayagataki kina na Wase qo, na mataveilewai, mataveivaqaqai se dua na matabose se tabacakacaka e cake—
    (a) e dodonu me tutaka ka vakamacalataka na ivalavala ni bula ni tu galala e rokovi kina na bula ni tamata, duavata kei na dodonu; kei na
    (b) ke yaga, me rawa ni vakasamataka tale ga na lawa levu kei vuravura e rawa ni vakayagataki ena maroroi ni dodonu kei na galala ena Wase qo.
    (2) Na Wase qo e sega ni cakitaka se tarova na kena kilai na dodonu se galala e umani ena lawa raraba se lawa tabaki, vakavo ke sega ni duavata kei na lawa ena Wase qo.
    (3) E dua na lawa e yalana na dodonu kei na galala e vakamacalataki ena Wase qo, e sega ni kena ibalebale ni sega na kena kaukauwa ni sa veicalati kei na iyalayala e dusimaka na Wase qo, kevaka e rawa ni vakaukauwataki na yalani ni kena vakamacalataki, me kua kina ni sivia na iyalayala e dusimaka na Wase qo. Ena tikina oya, e dodonu me vakaukauwataki na yalani ni kena ivakamacala.
    … (Sec. 7)
Limitations and/or Derogations
  • English
    (1) Any law enacted or promulgated in consequence of a declaration of a state of emergency under this Constitution—
    (a) may limit a right or freedom set out in this Chapter (with the exception of the rights and freedoms set out in sections 8, 10, 11, 13, 14, 15, 16, 22 and 26) only to the extent that—
    (i) the limitation is strictly necessary and required by the emergency; and
    (ii) the law is consistent with Fiji’s obligations under international law applicable to a state of emergency; and
    (b) takes effect only when it has been published in the Gazette.
    (2) A person detained under a law contemplated in subsection (1) retains all the rights recognised in this Chapter, subject only to the limitations referred to in subsection (1). (Sec. 43)
  • iTaukei
    (1) Ni dua na lawa e sa vakadonui se sa taurivaki ena vuku ni tikoleqa vakamatanitu ena Yavunivakavulewa qo—
    (a) ena rawa ni yalana na dodonu se galala e yavutaki ena Wase qo (vakavo na dodonu kei na galala yavutaki ena tikina 8,10,11,13,14,15,16, 22 kei na 26) ia ena qai yalani ga ena gauna e gadrevi kina—
    (i) na kena yalani ena vakatabakidua ena kena gadrevi ena gauna ni tikoleqa vakamatanitu; kei na
    (ii) lawa e salavata kei na itavi ni vanua o Viti ena lawa levu kei vuravura ka dau vakayagataki ena gauna ni tikoleqa vakamatanitu; ka na
    (b) taurivaki ga ena gauna e sa tabaki i na iTukutuku Tabaki Vakamatanitu.
    (2) Ke dua e vesu ena wasetiki (1), e tu vua na dodonu e virikotori ena Wase qo, vakavo ke yalani me vaka e virikotori ena wasetiki (1). (Sec. 43)

Constitution of The Republic of Fiji of 2013 (English). According to Sec. 3(4): "If there is an apparent difference between the meaning of the English version of a provision of this Constitution, and its meaning in the iTaukei and Hindi versions, the English version prevails.”

Links to all sites last visited 9 February 2024
Chapter 2 on Bill of Rights.
Chapter 2 on Bill of Rights.

Chapter 2 on Bill of Rights.

Chapter 2 on Bill of Rights.
Chapter 2 on Bill of Rights.
Chapter 2 on Bill of Rights.
According to Sec. 163: ““property” includes any vested or contingent right to, or interest in or arising from— (a) land, or permanent fixtures on, or improvements to, land; (b) goods or personal property; …”
Chapter 2 on Bill of Rights.