Constitution of the Republic of Fiji 2013
Status of the Constitution
  • English

    RECOGNISE the Constitution as the supreme law of our country that provides the framework for the conduct of Government and all Fijians;
    … (Preamble)
  • iTaukei

    ROKOVA na Yavunivakavulewa ni lawa cecere duadua ni noda vanua ka vakarautaka na ituvatuva ni kena qaravi na Matanitu kei ira na lewei Viti;
    … (Ikau)
Status of the Constitution
  • English
    (1) This Constitution is the supreme law of the State.
    (2) Subject to the provisions of this Constitution, any law inconsistent with this Constitution is invalid to the extent of the inconsistency.
    (3) This Constitution shall be upheld and respected by all Fijians and the State, including all persons holding public office, and the obligations imposed by this Constitution must be fulfilled.
    (4) This Constitution shall be enforced through the courts, to ensure that––
    (a) laws and conduct are consistent with this Constitution;
    (b) rights and freedoms are protected; and
    (c) duties under this Constitution are performed.
    (5) This Constitution cannot be abrogated or suspended by any person, and may only be amended in accordance with the procedures prescribed in Chapter 11.
    (6) Any attempt to establish a Government other than in compliance with this Constitution shall be unlawful, and––
    (a) anything done to further that attempt is invalid and of no force or effect; and
    (b) no immunities can lawfully be granted under any law to any person in respect of actions taken or omitted in furtherance of such an attempt. (Sec. 2)
  • iTaukei
    (1) Na Yavunivakavulewa qo e lawa cecere duadua ni Matanitu.
    (2) Ia kevaka e dua tale na tikina ena Yavunivakavulewa qo e yalana e dua na lawa e sega ni salavata kei na Yavunivakavulewa qo, ena sega ni vakabau.
    (3) Na itavi e vakarota na Yavunivakavulewa qo e dodonu me vakamuri ka rokovi vei ira kece na kai Viti kei na Matanitu, oka kina na tamata cakacaka ena valenivolavola ni lewenivanua, kei na itavi e vakarota na Yavunivakavulewa qo me vakayacori.
    (4) Na Yavunivakavulewa qo e dodonu me vaqaqacotaka na mataveilewai me vakadeitaka na—
    (a) lawa kei na ivakarau me salavata na Yavunivakavulewa qo;
    (b) maroroi na dodonu kei na galala; kei na
    (c) qaravi ni itavi ena Yavunivakavulewa qo.
    (5) Na Yavunivakavulewa qo e sega ni rawa ni bokoca se vakarubeca e dua na tamata, ka rawa ga ni veisautaki ena iwalewale e virikotori ena Wase 11.
    (6) E cala vakalawa na kena sagai me vakaduri e dua na Matanitu ka sega ni vakarota na Yavunivakavulewa qo, kei na—
    (a) veika e navuci me vakavotukanataka na sasaga qo ena sega ni vakabau se wili; ka
    (b) na sega ni dua na lawa me na vagalalataka e dua na tamata e navuca se vakayacora na cakacaka qo. (Sec. 2)
Status of the Constitution
  • English
    (1) Any person interpreting or applying this Constitution must promote the spirit, purpose and objects of this Constitution as a whole, and the values that underlie a democratic society based on human dignity, equality and freedom.
    (2) If a law appears to be inconsistent with a provision of this Constitution, the court must adopt a reasonable interpretation of that law that is consistent with the provisions of this Constitution over an interpretation that is inconsistent with this Constitution.
    … (Sec. 3)
  • iTaukei
    (1) Ke dua na tamata e vakadewataka se taurivaka na Yavunivakavulewa qo, me tokona na inaki kei na kena yavu, oya me rokovi na tamata yadua ka me kua naveivakaduiduitaki.
    (2) Ke dua na lawa e sega ni salavata kei na Yavunivakavulewa qo, na mataveilewai me na vakarautaka e dua na kena ivakavakadewa vakalawa me veiganiti kei na veika e virikotori ena Yavunivakavulewa qo.
    … (Sec. 3)
Status of the Constitution
  • English

    (3) Religion and the State are separate, which means—

    (d) no person shall assert any religious belief as a legal reason to disregard this Constitution or any other law. (Sec. 4)
  • iTaukei

    (3) E sega ni okati vata na lotu kei na Matanitu, e kena ibalebale ya ni—

    (d) me kua ni dua na tamata me vakayagataka na nona vakabauta vakalotu me vakacala vakalawa na Yavunivakavulewa qo se dua tale na lawa tabaki. (Sec. 4)
Status of the Constitution
  • English

    (6) Subject to the provisions of this Constitution, this Chapter applies to all laws in force at the commencement of this Constitution.
    (7) Subject to the provisions of this Constitution, laws made, and administrative and judicial actions taken, after the commencement of this Constitution, are subject to the provisions of this Chapter.
    … (Sec. 6)
  • iTaukei

    (6) Kevaka e dua tale na tikina ena Yavunivakavulewa qo e yalana, na Wase qo e okati kina na lawa taucoko ena gauna sa taurivaki kina na Yavunivakavulewa qo.
    (7) Kevaka e dua tale na tikina ena Yavunivakavulewa qo e yalana, na lawa buli, na veiqaravi kei na lewa e tau ni sa taurivaki na Yavunivakavulewa qo, era na vakarurugi ena Wase qo.
    … (Sec. 6)
Status of the Constitution
  • English
    (1) Subject to subsection (2), all written laws in force immediately before the date of commencement of this Constitution (other than the laws referred to in Part C of this Chapter) shall continue in force as if they had been made under or pursuant to this Constitution, and shall be construed with such modifications, adaptations, qualifications and exceptions as may be necessary to bring them into conformity with this Constitution.
    … (Sec. 173)
  • iTaukei
    (1) Vakavo ke yalani ena wasetiki (2), na lawa tabaki taucoko e sa vakayagataki ni bera ni taurivaki na Yavunivakavulewa qo, (sega ni okati kina na lawa e vakamacalataki ena Tabana C ni Wase qo) ena taurivaki tiko me vaka ga e buli ena Yavunivakavulewa qo, ka me ra moici ka vakaibalebaletaki vakavinaka me veidonui kei na Yavunivakavulewa qo.
    … (Sec. 173)

Constitution of The Republic of Fiji of 2013 (English). According to Sec. 3(4): "If there is an apparent difference between the meaning of the English version of a provision of this Constitution, and its meaning in the iTaukei and Hindi versions, the English version prevails.”

Links to all sites last visited 9 February 2024
Chapter 2 on Bill of Rights.
Chapter 2 on Bill of Rights.

Chapter 2 on Bill of Rights.

Chapter 2 on Bill of Rights.
Chapter 2 on Bill of Rights.
Chapter 2 on Bill of Rights.
According to Sec. 163: ““property” includes any vested or contingent right to, or interest in or arising from— (a) land, or permanent fixtures on, or improvements to, land; (b) goods or personal property; …”
Chapter 2 on Bill of Rights.