Constitution of the Republic of Fiji 2013
Electoral Bodies
  • English
    (1) The Electoral Commission established under the State Services Decree 2009 continues in existence.
    (2) The Commission has the responsibility for the registration of voters and the conduct of free and fair elections in accordance with the written law governing elections and any other relevant law, and in particular for—
    (a) the registration of citizens as voters, and the regular revision of the Register of Voters;
    (b) voter education;
    (c) the registration of candidates for election;
    (d) the settlement of electoral disputes, including disputes relating to or arising from nominations, but excluding election petitions and disputes subsequent to the declaration of election results; and
    (e) monitoring and enforcing compliance with any written law governing elections and political parties.
    (3) The Commission has such other functions as are conferred on it by this Constitution or a written law.
    … (Sec. 75)
  • iTaukei
    (1) Na Matabose ni Veidigidigi e tauyavutaki ena Dikiri ni Veiqaravi Vakamatanitu 2009 ena tomani tiko ga.
    (2) Na itavi ni Matabose me qarava na volayaca ni lewenivanua kei na qaravi ni veidigidigi e vakayacori vakasavasava ka vakamatau, e solia vua na veimatavakaturi kei na veimatapolitiki mera cakacaka ena galala, kei na vakauitukutuku me vakayacori ena galala, kei na mataveilewai me soli vua na galala ni vakatulewa me vaka e virikotori ena lawa tabaki ni veidigidigi kei na lawa tale e so, vakabibi—
    (a) na nodra volayaca na lewenivanua mera veidigidigi, kei na kena railesuvi wasoma na iVola ni Volayaca ni Veidigidigi;
    (b) na nodra vakavulici na dau veidigidigi;
    (c) na nodra volayaca na mata i na veidigidigi;
    (d) na iwali ni duidui e vu mai ena veidigidigi, okati kina na duidui e vu mai na vakatututaki ni mata, ia e sega ni okati kina na ivola ni kudru se duidui e vu mai na macala ni veidigidigi; kei na
    (e) raici me vaqaqacotaki ka vakamuri na lawa tabaki ni veidigidigi kei na isoqosoqo vakapolitiki.
    (3) Na Matabose e tiko tale ga na nona itavi me vaka e viritokori ena Yavunivakavulewa qo se e na lawa tabaki.
    … (Sec. 75)
Electoral Bodies
  • English
    (1) The office of the Supervisor of Elections established under the State Services Decree 2009 continues in existence.
    (2) The Supervisor of Elections, acting under the direction of the Electoral Commission,—
    (a) administers the registration of voters for elections of members to Parliament;
    (b) conducts—
    (i) elections of members of Parliament; and
    (ii) such other elections as Parliament prescribes; and
    (c) may perform such other functions as are conferred by written law.
    … (Sec. 76)
  • iTaukei
    (1) Na valenivolavola ni iLiuliu ni Veidigidigi a tauyavutaki ena Dikiri ni Veiqaravi Vakamatanitu 2009, ena tomani tiko ga.
    (2) Na iLiuliu ni Veidigidigi, ena veiqaravi ena vakatulewa ni Matabose ni Veidigidigi, ena—
    (a) qarava na volayaca ni veidigidigi ni lewenipalimedi;
    (b) qarava na—
    (i) digitaki ni lewenipalimedi; kei na
    (ii) so tale na veidigidigi e vakatulewataka na Palimedi me vakayacori; ka
    (c) rawa ni qarava tale e so na itavi e virikotori ena lawa tabaki.
    … (Sec. 76)

Constitution of The Republic of Fiji of 2013 (English). According to Sec. 3(4): "If there is an apparent difference between the meaning of the English version of a provision of this Constitution, and its meaning in the iTaukei and Hindi versions, the English version prevails.”

Links to all sites last visited 9 February 2024
Chapter 2 on Bill of Rights.
Chapter 2 on Bill of Rights.

Chapter 2 on Bill of Rights.

Chapter 2 on Bill of Rights.
Chapter 2 on Bill of Rights.
Chapter 2 on Bill of Rights.
According to Sec. 163: ““property” includes any vested or contingent right to, or interest in or arising from— (a) land, or permanent fixtures on, or improvements to, land; (b) goods or personal property; …”
Chapter 2 on Bill of Rights.