Constitution of Samoa 1960, as amended to 2020
Affirmative Action (Broadly)
  • English
    (1) All persons are equal before the law and entitled to equal protection under the law.
    (2) Except as expressly authorised under the provisions of this Constitution, no law and no executive or administrative action of the State shall, either expressly or in its practical application, subject any person or persons to any disability or restriction or confer on any person or persons any privilege or advantage on grounds only of descent, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, social origin, place of birth, family status, or any of them.
    (3) Nothing in this Article shall –

    (b) Prevent the making of any provision for the protection or advancement of women or children or of any socially or educationally retarded class of persons.
    … (Art. 15)
  • Samoan
    (1) E tutusa tagata uma i luma o le tulafono ma e tofu tatau ona maua le puipuiga tutusa i lalo o le tulafono.
    (2) Vagana ai e pei ona faatagaina manino e lenei Faavae, e leai se tulafono ma e leai se gaoioiga a le Malo tau le pulega faatonu po o le tausiga o le a, po o lona faamatalaina manino ai pe faatino mai ai se mafatiaga o so o se tagata po o ni tagata i so o se itu e le mafai ai po o le faasaina po o le tuuina atu i so o se tagata po o ni tagata so o se tulaga aloaia po o le tulaga taugamalie ona o le avea ma mafuaaga lona tupuaga, tane pe se fafine, gagana, lotu, taofi tau upu fai o malo po o se isi lava taofi, mafuaaga faale-vafealoai, nuu na fanau ai, tulaga faale-aiga, po o nisi lava o ia mea.
    (3) E leai se mea i lenei Mataupu o le a:

    (e) taofia ai o le faia o so o se aiaiga mo le puipuiga po o le faagasologa i luma o fafine po o tamaiti po o le vasega o tagata ua telegese le gasologa i luma o lo latou tulaga tau le vafealoai po o le aoaoina.
    … (Mataupu 15)

Constitution of the Independent State of Samoa 1960, as amended to 2019 (English), available in HeinOnline World Constitutions Illustrated Library (2024); Amendment to the Constitution 2020 (English), available in HeinOnline World Constitutions Illustrated Library (2024).


Constitution of the Independent State of Samoa 1960, as amended to 2019 (Samoan), available in HeinOnline World Constitutions Illustrated Library (2024); Amendment to the Constitution 2020 (Samoan), available in HeinOnline World Constitutions Illustrated Library (2024).

Documents last visited 8 January 2024