Constitution of Tuvalu 1986, as amended to 2023
Participation in Public Life and Institutions
  • English

    (1) In this section, discrimination refers to the treatment of different people in different ways wholly or mainly because of their different
    (a) races; or
    (b) places of origin; or
    (c) political opinions; or
    (d) colours; or
    (e) religious beliefs or lack of religious beliefs, or
    (f) disability; or
    (g) sex
    in such a way that one such person is for some such reason given more favourable treatment or less favourable treatment than another such person.
    (2) Subject to the provisions of this Part, and in particular to
    (a) the succeeding provisions of this section; and
    (b) section 29 (Protection of Tuvaluan values, etc.); and
    (c) section 31 (disciplined forces of Tuvalu); and
    (d) section 32 (foreign disciplined forces); and
    (e) section 33 (hostile disciplined forces); and
    (f) section 36 (restrictions on certain rights and freedoms during public emergencies),
    no-one shall be treated in a discriminatory manner.

    (4) Nothing in a law shall be considered to be inconsistent with subsection (2) to the extent that it makes provision for -
    (a) standards or qualifications (not specifically related to any matter referred to in subsection (1)(a)-(e)) for appointment to any office or position in -
    (i) a State Service; or
    (ii) a disciplined force; or
    (iii) the service of a local government or authority; or
    (iv) a body corporate established by law for a public purpose, or the service of such a body; or
    (b) localization within the meaning of section 142 (localization).
    … (Sec. 27)

Links to all sites last visited 12 April 2024
Part II on Bill of Rights. 

Part II on Bill of Rights. 

4, 5

4 - Division 5 on Enforcement of the Bill of Rights (Sections 38-42).
5 - Part II on Bill of Rights.

Part II on Bill of Rights. 

Also refer to Sec. 13: “The Principles set out in the Preamble are adopted as part of the basic law of Tuvalu, from which human rights and freedoms derive and on which they are based.”