Constitution of Tuvalu 1986, as amended to 2023
Obligations of the State
  • English

    (1) Every person in Tuvalu is entitled, whatever his race, place of origin, political opinions, colour, religious beliefs or lack of religious beliefs, disability, or sex, to the following fundamental rights and freedoms: —
    (2) The rights and freedoms referred to in subsection (1) can, in Tuvaluan society, be exercised only-
    (a) with respect for the rights and freedoms of others and for the national interest; and
    (b) in acceptance of Tuvaluan values and culture, and with respect for them.
    (3) The purpose of this Part is to protect those rights and freedoms, subject to limitations on them that are designed primarily to give effect to subsection (2). (Sec. 11)

Obligations of the State
  • English
    (1) Each provision of this Part2 applies, as far as may be
    (a) between individuals as well as between governmental bodies and individuals; and
    (b) to and in relation to corporations and associations (other than governmental bodies) in the same way as it applies to and in relation to individuals, except where, or to the extent that, the context requires otherwise.
    (2) Except in relation to any act that is done under a valid law which accords with traditional standards, values and practices, any act that is done under a valid law but that in the particular case
    (a) is harsh or oppressive; or
    (b) is not reasonable in the circumstances; or
    (c) is otherwise not reasonably justifiable in a democratic society having a proper respect for human rights and dignity, is an unlawful act.
    (3) The burden of showing that subsection (2) applies in respect of an act is on the party claiming that it does apply.
    ... (Sec. 12)
Obligations of the State
  • English

    (1) Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in this Part, other than —
    (a) section 33 (hostile disciplined forces); and
    (b) section 36 (restrictions on certain rights and freedoms during public emergencies),
    all laws, and all acts done under a law, must be reasonably justifiable in a democratic society that has a proper respect for human rights and dignity.
    … (Sec. 15)

Obligations of the State
  • English
    The fact that certain rights and freedoms are referred to in this Constitution does not mean that there may not be other rights and freedoms retained by the people or conferred by law. (Sec. 28)
Links to all sites last visited 12 April 2024
Part II on Bill of Rights. 

Part II on Bill of Rights. 

4, 5

4 - Division 5 on Enforcement of the Bill of Rights (Sections 38-42).
5 - Part II on Bill of Rights.

Part II on Bill of Rights. 

Also refer to Sec. 13: “The Principles set out in the Preamble are adopted as part of the basic law of Tuvalu, from which human rights and freedoms derive and on which they are based.”