Constitution of the Republic of Vanuatu 1980, as amended to 2013
Jurisdiction and Access
  • English
    1. Anyone who considers that a provision of the Constitution has been infringed in relation to him may, without prejudice to any other legal remedy available to him, apply to the Supreme Court for redress.
    2. The Supreme Court has jurisdiction to determine the matter and to make such order as it considers appropriate to enforce the provisions of the Constitution.
    3. When a question concerning the interpretation of the Constitution arises before a subordinate court, and the court considers that the question concerns a fundamental point of law, the court shall submit the question to the Supreme Court for its determination. (Art. 53)
  • French
    1) Quiconque estime qu'une disposition de la Constitution a été violée à son encontre peut, sans préjudice des autres recours légaux ouverts, saisir la Cour Suprême pour dénoncer cette violation et obtenir réparation.
    2) La Cour Suprême a compétence pour déterminer si une disposition de la Constitution a été violée et pour faire une déclaration en conséquence.
    3) Lorsqu'une question relative à l'interprétation de la Constitution est soulevée devant une juridiction inférieure et que celle-ci considère que la question a trait à un point de droit fondamental, cette juridiction doit, à titre préjudiciel, soumettre cette question à la Cour Suprême. (Art. 53)
Links to all sites last visited 25 March 2024
According to Art. 8: “Fundamental duties non-justiciable but public authorities to encourage compliance except as provided by law, the fundamental duties are non-justiciable. Nevertheless it is the duty of all public authorities to encourage compliance with them so far as lies within their respective powers.”
4, 5
4- Art. 69 on Emergency Regulations. 5- Chapter 2 on Fundamental Rights and Duties, Part I on Fundamental Rights.