Constitution of the Republic of Vanuatu 1980, as amended to 2013
Political Parties
  • English

    3. Political parties may be formed freely and may contest elections. They shall respect the Constitution and the principles of democracy.
    … (Art. 4)
  • French

    3) Les partis politiques peuvent se former librement et participer aux élections. Ils doivent respecter la Constitution et les principes de la démocratie.
    … (Art. 4)
Links to all sites last visited 25 March 2024
According to Art. 8: “Fundamental duties non-justiciable but public authorities to encourage compliance except as provided by law, the fundamental duties are non-justiciable. Nevertheless it is the duty of all public authorities to encourage compliance with them so far as lies within their respective powers.”
4, 5
4- Art. 69 on Emergency Regulations. 5- Chapter 2 on Fundamental Rights and Duties, Part I on Fundamental Rights.