Constitution of the Republic of Vanuatu 1980, as amended to 2013
  • English
    1. The executive power of the people of the Republic of Vanuatu is vested in the Prime Minister and Council of Ministers and shall be exercised as provided by the Constitution or a law.
    … (Art. 39)
  • French
    1) Le Premier Ministre et le Conseil des Ministres sont investis du pouvoir exécutif du peuple, lequel s'exerce dans les conditions prévues par la Constitution ou par la Loi.
    … (Art. 39)
  • English
    1. There shall be a Council of Ministers which shall consist of the Prime Minister and other Ministers.
    2. The number of Ministers, including the Prime Minister, shall not exceed a quarter of the number of members of Parliament. (Art. 40)
  • French
    1) Il est institué un Conseil des Ministres comprenant le Premier Ministre et les autres ministres.
    2) Le nombre de ministres, le Premier Ministre compris, ne peut dépasser le quart du nombre des membres du Parlement. (Art. 40)
  • English
    The Prime Minister shall be elected by Parliament from among its members by secret ballot in accordance with the rules in Schedule 2. (Art. 41)
  • French
    Le Premier Ministre est élu par le Parlement, au scrutin secret, parmi les membres du Parlement, conformément aux dispositions de l'annexe II. (Art. 41)
  • English
    1. The Prime Minister shall appoint the other Ministers from among the members of Parliament and may designate one of them as Deputy Prime Minister.
    … (Art. 42)
  • French
    1) Le Premier Ministre nomme les autres ministres parmi les membres du Parlement et peut désigner l'un d'eux comme vice-Premier Ministre.
    … (Art. 42)
Links to all sites last visited 25 March 2024
According to Art. 8: “Fundamental duties non-justiciable but public authorities to encourage compliance except as provided by law, the fundamental duties are non-justiciable. Nevertheless it is the duty of all public authorities to encourage compliance with them so far as lies within their respective powers.”
4, 5
4- Art. 69 on Emergency Regulations. 5- Chapter 2 on Fundamental Rights and Duties, Part I on Fundamental Rights.