The Global Gender Equality Constitutional Database is a repository of gender equality related provisions in 194 constitutions from around the world. The Database was updated in partnership with the International Bar Association's Human Rights Institute (IBAHRI) and with support from the Swedish International Development Agency (SIDA) and the Government of Japan. Experience its wealth and depth of information by starting your search now.
Protection from Violence
- English
Forced labour shall be prohibited. (Art. 49) - Slovene
Prisilno delo je prepovedano. (49. Člen)
Protection from Violence
- EnglishThe inviolability of the physical and mental integrity of every person and his privacy and personality rights shall be guaranteed. (Art. 35)
- SloveneZagotovljena je nedotakljivost človekove telesne in duševne celovitosti, njegove zasebnosti ter osebnostnih pravic. (35. Člen)
Protection from Violence
- EnglishEveryone has the right to personal dignity and safety. (Art. 34)
- SloveneVsakdo ima pravico do osebnega dostojanstva in varnosti. (34. Člen)
Protection from Violence
- English
Violence of any form against any person whose liberty has been restricted in any way is prohibited, as is the use of any form of coercion in obtaining confessions and statements. (Art. 21) - Slovene
Prepovedno je vsakršno nasilje nad osebami, ki jim je prostost kakorkoli omejena, ter vsakršno izsiljevanje priznanj in izjav. (21. Člen)
Protection from Violence
- EnglishAny incitement to national, racial, religious, or other discrimination, and the inflaming of national, racial, religious, or other hatred and intolerance are unconstitutional. Any incitement to violence and war is unconstitutional. (Art. 63)
- SloveneProtiustavno je vsakršno spodbujanje k narodni, rasni, verski ali drugi neenakopravnosti ter razpihovanje narodnega, rasnega, verskega ali drugega sovraštva in nestrpnosti. Protiustavno je vsakršno spodbujanje k nasilju in vojni. (63. Člen)
Protection from Violence
- EnglishNo one may be subjected to torture or to inhuman or degrading punishment or treatment. The conducting of medical or other scientific experiments on any person without his free consent is prohibited. (Art. 18)
- SloveneNihče ne sme biti podvržen mučenju, nečloveškemu ali ponižujočem kaznovanju ali ravnanju. Na človeku je prepovedano delati medicinske ali druge znanstvene poskuse brez njegove svobodne privolitve. (18. Člen)
Protection from Violence
- English
Children shall be guaranteed special protection from economic, social, physical, mental, or other exploitation and abuse. Such protection shall be regulated by law.
… (Art. 56) - Slovene
Otrokom se zagotavlja posebno varstvo pred gospodarskim, socialnim, telesnim, duševnim ali drugim izkoriščanjem in zlorabljanjem. Takšno varstvo ureja zakon.
... (56. Člen)