The Global Gender Equality Constitutional Database is a repository of gender equality related provisions in 194 constitutions from around the world. The Database was updated in partnership with the International Bar Association's Human Rights Institute (IBAHRI) and with support from the Swedish International Development Agency (SIDA) and the Government of Japan. Experience its wealth and depth of information by starting your search now.
Affirmative Action (Broadly)
- English…
(5) Women must be included in all national institutions, in an effective way, in particular all elected and appointed positions across the three branches of government and in national independent commissions. (Art. 3) - Somali…
(5) Haweenku waa in ay ka mid noqdaan dhammaan hay’adaha guud ee qaranka, si wax-ku-ool ah, gaar ahaan jagooyinka la isu doorto iyo kuwa la isu magacaabo ee saddexda laamood ee Dawladda iyo Guddiyada Madaxbannaan ee Qaranka. (Qodobka 3aad.)
Citizenship and Nationality
- EnglishThe allocation of powers and resources shall be negotiated and agreed upon by the Federal Government and the Federal Member States (pending the formation of Federal Member States), except in matters concerning: ... (C) Citizenship and Immigration; … which shall be within the powers and responsibilities of the federal government. (Art. 54)
- SomaliAwood-qaybsiga siyaasadeed iyo dhaqaale waxaa ka wada xaajoon doona Dawladda Federaalka iyo Dawladaha ka mid noqonaya Dawladda Federaalka Soomaaliya marka laga reebo: ... C)Jinsiyadda iyo Socdaalka ... oo ay awooddeeda iyo mas’uuliyaddeeda yeelaneyso dowladda federaalka. (Qodobka 54aad.)
Citizenship and Nationality
- English(1) The people of the Federal Republic of Somalia are one, indivisible and comprise all the citizens.
(2) There shall be only one Somali citizenship, and the House of the People of the Federal Parliament of Somalia shall enact a special law that shall define how to obtain, suspend, or lose it.
(3) A person who is a Somali citizen cannot be deprived of Somali citizenship, even if they become a citizen of another country.
(4) Denial, suspension, or deprivation of Somali citizenship may not be based on political grounds. (Art. 8) - Somali(1) Shacabka Soomaaliyeed waa mid, lamana kala qaybin karo, wuxuuna ka kooban yahay dhammaan muwaadiniinta.
(2) Jinsiyadda Soomaaliyeed waa mid qur ah, sharci gaar ah oo ay soo saaraan Golaha Shacabka ee Dawlada Federaalka Soomaaliyeed ayaana xaddidaya sida lagu helayo, lagu laalayo ama lagu waayayo.
(3) Qof leh jinsiyadda Soomaaliyeed lagama qaadi karo jinsiyadda Soomaaliyeed, xataa hadduu qaato jinsiyad dal kale.
(4) Diidmada, laalista iyo ka-qaadista jinsiyadda laguma xiri karo asbaabo siyaasadeed. (Qodobka 8aad.)
- English(1) The Federal Government and Federal Member State governments shall ensure that meetings between the Presidents of the Federal Member States and high ranking officials be held regularly to discuss issues that affect their territories, including:
(g) Education;
... (Art. 52) - Somali(1) Xukuumadda Federaalka ah iyo Xukuumadah xubnaha ka ah waxaa waajib ku ah in madaxweyneyaasha Dawladaha xubinta ka ah Dawladda Federaalka Soomaaliya iyo Mas'uuliyiintooda sare yeeshaan kulammo joogto ama kaltan ay kaga wada xaajoodaan arrimaha degaammadooda wada saameeya oo ay ka mid yihiin:
(g) Tacliinta;
... (Qodobka 52aad.)
- English(1) Education is a basic right for all Somali citizens.
(2) Every citizen shall have the right to free education up to secondary school.
(3) The State shall give priority to the development, expansion and extension of public education.
(6) The State shall adopt a standardized curriculum across all schools of the country, and shall ensure its implementation.
(7) The State shall promote higher education, technical institutes, and technology and research institutions.
... (Art. 30) - Somali(1) Waxbarashadu waa xuquuq aasaasiga ah ee ay leeyihiin dhammaan muwaaddiniinta Soomaaliyeed.
(2) Dhammaan muwaadiniintu waxay xaq u leeyihiin inay helaan waxbarasho lacag la'aan ah ilaa iyo dugsi sare.
(3) Dawladdu waxay mudnaan siinaysaa horumarinta, baahinta iyo fidinta waxbarashada dadweynaha.
(6) Xukuumaddu waxay dugsiyada dalka oo dhan ka hirgelinaysaa manhaj midaysan, waxayna hubinaysaa dhaqangalkiisa.
(7) Xukuumaddu waxay kobcinaysaa waxbarashada sare, machadyada farsamada, tiknoolojiyadda iyo xarumaha cilmi-baarista.
... (Qodobka 30aad.)
- English
(3) Every child has the right to care from their parents, including education and instruction.
… (Art. 28) - Somali
(3) Ubadku wuxuu waalidkiis xaq ugu leeyahay xannaano ay ka mid tahay waxbarasho iyo barbaarin.
… (Qodobka 28aad.)
Employment Rights and Protection
- EnglishEvery citizen has the right to choose their trade, occupation or profession freely. (Art. 23)
- SomaliMuwaaddin kasta wuxuu xaq u leeyahay in uu si xor ah u doorto xirfadda, shaqada ama mihnadda uu rabo. (Qodobka 23aad.)
Employment Rights and Protection
- English
(1) Every person has the right to fair labour relations.
(5) All workers, particularly women, shall have a special right of protection from sexual abuse, segregation and discrimination in the work place. Every labour law and practice shall comply with gender equality in the work place. (Art. 24) - Somali
(1) Qof kastaa wuxuu xaq u leeyahay inuu helo xiriir shaqo caadil ah.
(5) Qof kasta oo shaqaale ah gaar ahaan dumarka waxa ay xaq gaar ah u leeyihiin in laga ilaaliyo faraxumeyn, faquuqid iyo takoorid goobaha shaqada. Sharci kasta shaqaale iyo hab dhaqan kasta waa inuu waafaqsanaadaa sinaanshaha jinsiga ee goobaha shaqada. (Qodobka 24aad.)
Equality and Non-Discrimination
- English…
(5) It shall be ensured that women, the aged, the disabled and minorities who have long suffered discrimination get the necessary support to realize their socio-economic rights. (Art. 27) - Somali…
(5) Waa in lahubiyaa in dumarka, dadka da’da, naafada iyo dadka laga tiro badan yahay oo taariikhiyan latakoori jiray inay helaan kaalmo gaar ah si ay ugaaraan xuquuqdooda dhaqan – dhaqaale. (Qodobka 27aad.)
Equality and Non-Discrimination
- English(1) All citizens, regardless of sex, religion, social or economic status, political opinion, clan, disability, occupation, birth or dialect shall have equal rights and duties before the law.
(2) Discrimination is deemed to occur if the effect of an action impairs or restricts a person's rights, even if the actor did not intend this effect.
(3) Government must not discriminate against any person on the basis of age, race, colour, tribe, ethnicity, culture, dialect, gender, birth, disability, religion, political opinion, occupation, or wealth.
(4) All government programs, such as laws, or political and administrative actions that are designed to achieve full equality for individuals or groups who are disadvantaged, or who have suffered from discrimination in the past, shall not be deemed to be discriminatory. (Art. 11) - Somali(1) Muwaaddiniinta oo dhan, iyagoo aan loo eegin lab iyo dheddig, diin, xaalad bulsho ama dhaqaale, afkaar siyaasadeed, qabiil, naafannimo, xirfad, dhalasho iyo afguri toona, xuquuqda iyo waajibaadkaba waa u siman yihiin sharciga hortiisa.
(2) Waa fal takoorid ah haddiinatiijadiisu noqoto is-hortaag ama ciriiriggelin xaqa qofka, xataa haddii falka si ulakac ah aan loo samayn.
(3) Dawladdu ma takoori karto Qofnaba iyadoo sababeysaneysa da’da, sinjiga,midabka, qabiil, isir, dhaqan ama lahjad, jinsi, dhalasho, Curyaannimo, diin, siyaasad ama fikir, xirfad, mulkiyad.
(4) Waa in aan loo arkin fal takoorid ah barnaamijyada Dawladda sida Shuruuc, hab siyaasadeed iyo hab maamul ee loo qorsheeyey in sinnaan buuxda lagu gaarsiiyo dad ama kooxo horay loogu geystey takoorid ama ku sugan xaalad dib-u-dhacsan. (Qodobka 11aad.)