The Global Gender Equality Constitutional Database is a repository of gender equality related provisions in 194 constitutions from around the world. The Database was updated in partnership with the International Bar Association's Human Rights Institute (IBAHRI) and with support from the Swedish International Development Agency (SIDA) and the Government of Japan. Experience its wealth and depth of information by starting your search now.
Limitations and/or Derogations
- English…
C. No law may be enacted that contradicts the rights and basic freedoms stipulated in this Constitution.
… (Art. 2) - Arabic…
ج ـ لا يجوز سن قانونٍ يتعارض مع الحقوق والحريات الاساسية الواردة في هذا الدستور
(المادة 2) …
Limitations and/or Derogations
- English(1) If an Act of Parliament recites that action has been taken or threatened by any substantial body of persons, whether inside or outside the Federation—
(a) to cause, or to cause a substantial number of citizens to fear, organized violence against persons or property; or
(b) to excite disaffection against the Yang di-Pertuan Agong or any Government in the Federation; or
(c) to promote feelings of ill-will and hostility between different races or other classes of the population likely to cause violence; or
(d) to procure the alteration, otherwise than by lawful means, of anything by law established; or
(e) which is prejudicial to the maintenance or the functioning of any supply or service to the public or any class of the public in the Federation or any part thereof; or
(f) which is prejudicial to public order in, or the security of, the Federation or any part thereof,
any provision of that law designed to stop or prevent that action is valid notwithstanding that it is inconsistent with any of the provisions of Article 5, 9, 10 or 13, or would apart from this Article be outside the legislative power of Parliament; and Article 79 shall not apply to a Bill for such an Act or any amendment to such a Bill.
… (Art. 149) - Malay(1) Jika sesuatu Akta Parlimen menyebut bahawa tindakan telah diambil atau diancam oleh mana-mana kumpulan besar orang, sama ada di dalam atau di luar Persekutuan—
(a) untuk menyebabkan keganasan terancang terhadap orang atau harta, atau untuk menyebabkan sebilangan besar warganegara takut akan keganasan itu; atau
(b) untuk membangkitkan perasaan tidak setia terhadap Yang di-Pertuan Agong atau mana-mana Kerajaan di dalam Persekutuan; atau
(c) untuk menggalakkan perasaan niat jahat dan permusuhan antara kaum yang berlainan atau golongan penduduk yang berlainan yang mungkin menyebabkan keganasan; atau
(d) untuk mendapatkan perubahan, selain dengan cara yang sah, apa-apa jua yang ditetapkan melalui undang-undang; atau
(e) yang memudaratkan penyenggaraan atau perjalanan apa-apa bekalan atau perkhidmatan kepada orang awam atau mana-mana golongan orang awam di dalam Persekutuan atau mana-mana bahagiannya; atau
(f) yang memudaratkan ketenteraman awam di dalam Persekutuan atau mana-mana bahagiannya, atau yang memudaratkan keselamatannya,
maka apa-apa peruntukan undang-undang itu yang bermaksud untuk memberhentikan atau mencegah tindakan itu adalah sah walaupun peruntukan itu tidak selaras dengan mana-mana peruntukan Perkara 5, 9, 10 atau 13, atau walaupun, jika tidak kerana Perkara ini, peruntukan itu akan terkeluar daripada kuasa perundangan Parlimen; dan Perkara 79 tidaklah terpakai bagi Rang Undang-Undang untuk sesuatu Akta yang sedemikian atau bagi apa-apa pindaan kepada sesuatu Rang Undang-Undang yang sedemikian.
… (Perkara 149)
Limitations and/or Derogations
- English(1) Nothing contained in Articles 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, and 24 shall, while a proclamation of Emergency is in force, restrict the power of the State as defined in Article 7 to make any law or to take any executive action which it would, but for the provisions in the said Articles, be competent to make or to take, but any law so made shall, to the extent of the incompetency, cease to have effect, and shall be deemed to have been repealed, at the time when the Proclamation is revoked or has ceased to be in force.
(2) While a Proclamation of Emergency is in force, the President may, by Order, declare that the right to move any court for the enforcement of such of the Fundamental Rights conferred by Chapter 1 of Part II7 as may be specified in the Order, and any proceeding in any court which is for the enforcement, or involves the determination of any question as to the infringement, of any of the Rights so specified, shall remain suspended for the period during which the Proclamation is in force, and any such Order may be made in respect of the whole or any part of Pakistan.
… (Art. 233) - Urdu(ا) آرٹیکل ،١٥، ١٦ ، ١٧، ١٨ ،١۹ اور ٢٤ میں شامل کوئی امر، جبکہ ہنگامی حالت کا اعلان نافذالعمل ہو، مملکت کے جیسا کہ آرٹیکل ٧ میں تعریف کی گئی ہے، کوئی قانون وضع کرنے یا کوئی عاملانہ قدم اٹھانے کے اختیار پر، جس کے کرنے یا اٹھانے کی وہ مجاز ہوتی اگر مذکورہ آرٹیکل میں شامل احکام نہ ہوتے، پابندی عائد نہیں کرے گا، مگر اس طرح وضع شدہ کوئی قانون، اس وقت جبکہ مذکورہ اعلان منسوخ کر دیا جائے یا نافذالعمل نہ رہے، اس عدم اہلیت کی حد تک غیر مؤثر ہو جائے گا اور منسوخ شدہ متصور ہو گا۔
(٢) جس دوران ہنگامی حالت کا اعلان نافذالعمل ہو، صدر بذریعہ فرمان یہ اعلان کرسکے گا کہ حصہ دوم کے باب اول کی رو سے عطاکردہ بنیادی حقوق میں سے ان کے نفاذ کے لئے جن کی فرمان میں صراحت کر دی جائے کسی عدالت سے رجوع کرنے کا حق اور کسی عدالت میں کوئی کاروائی جو اس طرح مصرحہ حقوق میں سے کسی کے نفاذ کے لئے ہو یا جس میں اس حقوق میں سے کسی کی خلاف ورزی کے متعلق کسی سوال کا تعین مطلوب ہو، اس مدت کے لئے معطل رہے گی جس کے دوران مذکورہ اعلان نافذالعمل رہے اور ایسا کوئی فرمان پورے پاکستان یا اس کے کسی حصہ کے بارے میں صادر کیا جا سکے گا۔
…(آرٹیکل ۲۳۳)
Limitations and/or Derogations
- English1. Restriction of rights, freedoms and guarantees can only be imposed by law in order to safeguard other constitutionally protected rights or interests and in cases clearly provided for by the Constitution.
2. Laws restricting rights, freedoms and guarantees have necessarily a general and abstract nature and may not reduce the extent and scope of the essential contents of constitutional provisions and shall not have a retroactive effect. (Sec. 24) - Tetum1. Limitasaun ba direitu, liberdade no garantia sei halo de’it tuir lei-oan atu bele fó protesaun ba direitu no interese konstitusionál ne’ebé hakerek iha Lei-Inan.
2. Lei restritivu sira kona-ba direitu, liberdade no garantia sei iha duni karakter jerál no abstratu, labele habadak extensaun no nia asuntu prinsipál iha Lei-Inan nia laran, no labele iha efeitu ba kotuk. (Art. 24) - Portuguese1. A restrição dos direitos, liberdades e garantias só pode fazer-se por lei, para salvaguardar outros direitos ou interesses constitucionalmente protegidos e nos casos expressamente previstos na Constituição.
2. As leis restritivas dos direitos, liberdades e garantias têm, necessariamente, carácter geral e abstracto, não podem diminuir a extensão e o alcance do conteúdo essencial dos dispositivos constitucionais e não podem ter efeito retroactivo. (Art. 24)
Limitations and/or Derogations
- English…
4. The exercise of human rights and citizens’ rights may not infringe upon national interests and others’ lawful rights and interests. (Art. 15) - Vietnamese…
4. Việc thực hiện quyền con người, quyền công dân không được xâm phạm lợi ích quốc gia, dân tộc, quyền và lợi ích hợp pháp của người khác. (Điều 15)
Limitations and/or Derogations
- English…
(2) The State shall not make any law inconsistent with any provisions of this Part4, and any law so made shall, to the extent of such inconsistency, be void.
… (Art. 26) - Bengali…
(২) রাষ্ট্র এই ভাগের কোন বিধানের সহিত অসমঞ্জস কোন আইন প্রণয়ন করিবেন না এবং অনুরূপ কোন আইন প্রণীত হইলে তাহা এই ভাগের কোন বিধানের সহিত যতখানি অসামঞ্জস্যপূর্ণ, ততখানি বাতিল হইয়া যাইবে।
… (অনুচ্ছেদ ২৬)
Limitations and/or Derogations
- English
2. The exercise of fundamental human rights shall not violate the rights of others.
3. The restriction of a fundamental human right shall be commensurate with the significance of the legitimate aim that it serves. (Art. 34) - Georgian
2. ადამიანის ძირითადი უფლებების განხორციელებამ არ უნდა დაარღვიოს სხვათა უფლებები.
3. ადამიანის ძირითადი უფლების შეზღუდვა უნდა შეესაბამებოდეს იმ ლეგიტიმური მიზნის მნიშვნელობას, რომლის მიღწევასაც იგი ემსახურება. (მუხლი 34)
Limitations and/or Derogations
- English
(d) Emergency Regulations do not have the force to prevent recourse to the courts, prescribe punishment in advance, or permit an infringement of human dignity.
... (Basic Law: The Government (2001), Sec. 39) - Hebrew
(ד) אין בכוחן של תקנות שעת חירום למנוע פניה לערכאות, לקבוע ענישה למפרע או להתיר פגיעה בכבוד האדם
... (חוק יסוד: הממשלה (2001), סעיף 39)
Limitations and/or Derogations
- EnglishThe exercise and enjoyment of fundamental rights and freedoms is inseparable from the performance of responsibilities and duties, and it is the responsibility of every citizen:
(a) to respect and protect the rights and freedoms of others;
… (Art. 67) - Dhivehiކޮންމެ މީހަކަށްމެ ލިބޭ ހައްޤުތަކާއި މިނިވަންކަމާއި، އެ މީހަކު އަދާކުރަންޖެހޭ މަސްއޫލިއްޔަތުތަކާއި ވާޖިބުތަކަކީ ވަކިނުކުރެވޭނޭ ދެ އަސާސްކަމުގައިވީ ހިނދު، އަންނަނިވި ކަންތައްތައް ކުރުމަކީ ކޮންމެ ރައްޔިތެއްގެ މަސްއޫލިއްޔަތެކެވެ. އަދި އެވަގުތަކު ދިވެހިރާއްޖޭގައި އުޅެ ކޮންމެ މީހަކުމެ އެ ކަންތައްތަކަށް އިހްތިރާމްކުރާންވާނެއެވެ.
(ހ) އަނެކުންގެ ހައްޤުތަކާއި މިނިވަންކަމަށް ރައްކާތެރިވެ އެ ޙައްގުތަކަށާއި މިނިވަންކަމަށް އިހްތިރާމްކުރުން.
... (ޤާނޫނުއަސާސީގެ 67 ވަނަ މާއްދާ)
Limitations and/or Derogations
- EnglishIf danger threatens the safety of the Kingdom, the integrity of its territory, the security of its people and their interests, or impedes the performance of State institutions, the King shall take necessary and speedy measures to confront this danger. If the King feels that these measures may better be permanent, he then shall take whatever legal action he deems necessary in this regard. (Basic Law, Art. 62)
- Arabicإذا كان الخطر يهدد سلامة المملكة وسلامة أراضيها وأمن شعبها ومصالحها ، أو عرقل أداء مؤسسات الدولة ، يتخذ الملك الإجراءات اللازمة والسريعة لمواجهة هذا الخطر. إذا شعر الملك أن هذه الإجراءات قد تكون دائمة بشكل أفضل ، فعليه اتخاذ أي إجراء قانوني يراه ضروريًا في هذا الصدد. (النظام الأساسي، المادة 62)