The Global Gender Equality Constitutional Database is a repository of gender equality related provisions in 194 constitutions from around the world. The Database was updated in partnership with the International Bar Association's Human Rights Institute (IBAHRI) and with support from the Swedish International Development Agency (SIDA) and the Government of Japan. Experience its wealth and depth of information by starting your search now.
Participation in Public Life and Institutions
- EnglishThe essential goals of the State are to serve the community, promote the general prosperity, and guarantee the effectiveness of the principles, rights, and duties stipulated by the Constitution; to facilitate participation by everyone in the decisions that affect them and in the economic, political, administrative, and cultural life of the Nation;
… (Art. 2) - SpanishSon fines esenciales del Estado: servir a la comunidad, promover la prosperidad general y garantizar la efectividad de los principios, derechos y deberes consagrados en la Constitución; facilitar la participación de todos en las decisiones que los afectan y en la vida económica, política, administrativa y cultural de la Nación;
… (Art. 2)
Participation in Public Life and Institutions
- EnglishBy means of the statutory laws, the Congress of the Republic will regulate the following matters:
d. Institutions and mechanisms of citizen participation;
… (Art. 152) - SpanishMediante las leyes estatutarias, el Congreso de la República regulará las siguientes materias:
d) Instituciones y mecanismos de participación ciudadana.
… (Art. 152)
Participation in Public Life and Institutions
- English...
The State shall contribute to the organization, promotion, and capacitation of professional, civic, union, community, youth, charitable, or nongovernmental common utility associations, without detriment to their autonomy with the object that they constitute democratic means of representation in the different instances of participation, agreement, control, and oversight of the public management which are established. (Art. 103) - Spanish…
El Estado contribuirá a la organización, promoción y capacitación de las asociaciones profesionales, cívicas, sindicales, comunitarias, juveniles, benéficas o de utilidad común no gubernamentales, sin detrimento de su autonomía con el objeto de que constituyan mecanismos democráticos de representación en las diferentes instancias de participación, concertación, control y vigilancia de la gestión pública que se establezcan. (Art. 103)
Participation in Public Life and Institutions
- EnglishThe quality of [being] in full exercise of citizenship [ciudadano en ejercicio] is a prior and indispensable condition for exercising the right of suffrage, to be elected and to perform public responsibilities [cargos] which have authority or jurisdiction attached [to them]. (Art. 99)
- SpanishLa calidad de ciudadano en ejercicio es condición previa e indispensable para ejercer el derecho de sufragio, para ser elegido y para desempeñar cargos públicos que lleven anexa autoridad o jurisdicción. (Art. 99)
Participation in Public Life and Institutions
- EnglishAny citizen has the right to participate in the establishment, exercise, and control of political power. To make this right effective the citizen may:
7. Accede to the performance of public functions and responsibilities, except the Colombians, native-born or by adoption, who have double nationality. The law will regulate this exception and will determine the cases in which it is to be applied.
The authorities will guarantee the adequate and effective participation of women in the decision-making levels of the Public Administration. (Art. 40) - SpanishTodo ciudadano tiene derecho a participar en la conformación, ejercicio y control del poder político. Para hacer efectivo este derecho puede:
7. Acceder al desempeño de funciones y cargos públicos, salvo los colombianos, por nacimiento o por adopción, que tengan doble nacionalidad. La ley reglamentará esta excepción y determinará los casos a los cuales ha de aplicarse.
Las autoridades garantizarán la adecuada y efectiva participación de la mujer en los niveles decisorios de la Administración Pública. (Art. 40)