The Global Gender Equality Constitutional Database is a repository of gender equality related provisions in 194 constitutions from around the world. The Database was updated in partnership with the International Bar Association's Human Rights Institute (IBAHRI) and with support from the Swedish International Development Agency (SIDA) and the Government of Japan. Experience its wealth and depth of information by starting your search now.
Status of International Law
- English(1) In this Constitution, unless the context otherwise requires-
“Agreement” means the Agreement Establishing the Caribbean Court of Justice, signed at Bridgetown, Barbados, on the 14th day of February 2001;
“Caribbean Court of Justice” means the Court established by the Agreement;
“Treaty” means the Revised Treaty of Chaguaramas establishing the Caribbean Community including the Caricom Single Market and Economy that was signed in The Bahamas on the 5th day of July, 2001.
… (Sec. 131)
Status of International Law
- EnglishThe enunciation of the rights and guarantees contained in the Constitution and in the international agreements in effect must not be understood as a negation of others which, being inherent to the human person, are not expressly mentioned in them. (Art. 94)
- SpanishLa enunciación de los derechos y garantías contenidos en la Constitución y en los convenios internacionales vigentes, no debe entenderse como negación de otros que, siendo inherentes a la persona humana, no figuren expresamente en ellos. (Art. 94)
Status of International Law
- EnglishEcuador’s relations with the international community shall respond to the interests of the Ecuadorian people, to which those persons in charge of these relations and their executors shall be held accountable, and as a result:
7. It demands observance of human rights, especially the rights of migrant persons, and promotes their full enjoyment by complying with the obligations pledged with the signing of international human rights instruments.
… (Art. 416) - SpanishLas relaciones del Ecuador con la comunidad internacional responderán a los intereses del pueblo ecuatoriano, al que le rendirán cuenta sus responsables y ejecutores, y en consecuencia:
7. Exige el respeto de los derechos humanos, en particular de los derechos de las personas migrantes, y propicia su pleno ejercicio mediante el cumplimiento de las obligaciones asumidas con la suscripción de instrumentos internacionales de derechos humanos.
… (Art. 416)
Status of International Law
- English…
(2) In the interpretation of the fundamental rights provisions in this Constitution a court shall pay due regard to international law, international conventions, covenants and charters bearing on human rights. (Art. 39)
Status of International Law
- English
The Republic of Nicaragua uniquely recognizes international obligations concerning its territory that have been freely consented to and in accordance with the Political Constitution of the Republic and with the norms of International Law. Likewise, [it] does not accept the treaties signed by other countries to which Nicaragua is not [a] Contracting Party. (Art. 10) - Spanish
La República de Nicaragua únicamente reconoce obligaciones internacionales sobre su territorio que hayan sido libremente consentidas y de conformidad con la Constitución Política de la República y con las normas de Derecho Internacional. Asimismo, no acepta los tratados suscritos por otros países en los cuales Nicaragua no sea Parte Contratante. (Art. 10)
Status of International Law
- English...
2. The tasks of the Constitutional Court shall be:
a. to verify the purport of Acts or parts thereof against the Constitution, and against applicable agreements concluded with other states and with international organization;
3. In case the Constitutional Court decides that a contradiction exists with one or more provisions of the Constitution or an agreement as referred to in paragraph 2 sub a, the Act or parts thereof, or those decisions of the government institutions shall not be considered binding.
… (Art. 144) - Dutch...
2. Het Constitutioneel Hof heeft tot taak:
a. het toetsen van de inhoud van wetten of gedeelten daarvan aan de Grondwet en aan van toepassing zijnde overeenkomsten met andere mogendheden en met volkenrechtelijke organisaties;
3. Ingeval het Constitutioneel Hof oordeelt dat er strijdigheid is met één of meer bepalingen van de Grondwet of van een overeenkomst als in lid 2 onder a bedoeld, wordt de wet of worden gedeelten daarvan dan wel de besluiten van de overheidsorganen geacht onverbindend te zijn.
… (Art. 144)
Status of International Law
- EnglishI. Ratified international treaties are part of domestic law with the force of law.
… (Art. 257) - SpanishI. Los tratados internacionales ratificados forman parte del ordenamiento jurídico interno con rango de ley.
... (Art. 257)
Status of International Law
- EnglishThat which is prescribed in international treaties that are in force for the Republic of Cuba constitute or form part of national legislative regulations, as applicable. The Constitution of the Republic of Cuba takes priority over international treaties. (Art. 8)
- SpanishLo prescrito en los tratados internacionales en vigor para la República de Cuba forma parte o se integra, según corresponda, al ordenamiento jurídico nacional. La Constitución de la República de Cuba prima sobre estos tratados internacionales. (Art. 8)
Status of International Law
- EnglishWhen a judge, by virtue of his/her office or at the request of a party, considers that a legal norm is contrary to the Constitution or to international human rights instruments that provide for rights that are more favorable than those enshrined in the Constitution, it shall suspend the case and refer it for consultation to the Constitutional Court, which within no more than forty-five (45) days shall rule on the constitutionality of the norm.
If the Court issues no ruling within the established time-limits, the affected party is entitled to file the corresponding complaint. (Art. 428) - SpanishCuando una jueza o juez, de oficio o a petición de parte, considere que una norma jurídica es contraria a la Constitución o a los instrumentos internacionales de derechos humanos que establezcan derechos más favorables que los reconocidos en la Constitución, suspenderá la tramitación de la causa y remitirá en consulta el expediente a la Corte Constitucional, que en un plazo no mayor a cuarenta y cinco días, resolverá sobre la constitucionalidad de la norma.
Si transcurrido el plazo previsto la Corte no se pronuncia, el perjudicado podrá interponer la acción correspondiente. (Art. 428)
Status of International Law
- EnglishThe National Assembly may not ratify any international treaty, convention or agreement containing clauses contrary to this Constitution. (Art. 276)
- FrenchL'Assemblée Nationale ne peut ratifier aucun Traité, Convention ou Accord Internationaux comportant des clauses contraires à la présente Constitution. (Art. 276)