The Global Gender Equality Constitutional Database is a repository of gender equality related provisions in 194 constitutions from around the world. The Database was updated in partnership with the International Bar Association's Human Rights Institute (IBAHRI) and with support from the Swedish International Development Agency (SIDA) and the Government of Japan. Experience its wealth and depth of information by starting your search now.
Obligations of the State
- EnglishNo revision may infringe the provisions relative to the Muslim religion, on the monarchic form of the State, on the democratic choice of the Nation or on [those] acquired in matters of [the] freedoms and of fundamental rights inscribed in this Constitution. (Art. 175)
- Arabicلايحقّ أن تتناول المراجعة الأحكام المتعلّقة بالّدين الإسلامي، وبالنّظام الملكي للدّولة، وبالاختيار الديمقراطي للأمّة، وبالمكتسبات في مجال الحريات والحقوق الأساسية المنصوص عليها في هذا الدّستور. (الفصل 175)
Obligations of the State
- English…
3 1° The State guarantees in its laws to respect, and, as far as practicable, by its laws to defend and vindicate the personal rights of the citizen.
… (Art. 40) - Irish Gaelic…
3 1° Ráthaíonn an Stát gan cur isteach lena dhlíthe ar chearta pearsanta aon saoránaigh, agus ráthaíonn fós na cearta sin a chosaint is a shuíomh lena dhlíthe sa mhéid gur féidir é.
… (Airteagal 40)
Obligations of the State
- English
- We express our firm determination to defend and preserve our dignity in the eyes of world and to reestablish the role of pioneer of democracy and of the defense of the rights of man that were once ours;
- Solemnly affirm our determination by this Constitution to create a State of law and pluralist democracy in which the fundamental rights of man, the public freedoms, [and] the dignity and justice of the human person are guaranteed, protected and promoted as a necessary condition for the true and harmonious development of every Beninese in their temporal, cultural and spiritual dimension;
- Reaffirm our commitment to the principles of democracy and of the rights of man which have been defined by the Charter of the United Nations 1945 and the Universal Declaration of the Rights of Man of 1948, the African Charter of the Rights of Man and of Peoples adopted in 1981 by the Organization of African Unity, [which was] ratified by Benin on 20 January 1986 and whose provisions are made an integral part of this Constitution and of Beninese law and which have a standing superior to the internal law;
... (Preamble) - French
- Exprimons notre ferme volonté de défendre et de sauvegarder notre dignité aux yeux du monde et de retrouver la place et le rôle de pionnier de la démocratie et de la défense des droits de l'Homme qui furent naguère les nôtres;
- Affirmons solennellement notre détermination par la présente Constitution de créer un Etat de droit et de démocratie pluraliste, dans lequel les droits fondamentaux de l’homme, les libertés publiques, la dignité de la personne humaine et la justice sont garantis, protégés et promus comme la condition nécessaire au développement véritable et harmonieux de chaque Béninois tant dans sa dimension temporelle, culturelle que spirituelle;
- Réaffirmons notre attachement aux principes de la démocratie et des Droits de l'Homme, tels qu'ils ont été définis par la Charte des Nations Unies de 1945 et la Déclaration Universelle des Droits de l'Homme de 1948, à la Charte Africaine des Droits de l'Homme et des Peuples adoptée en 1981 par l'Organisation de l'Unité Africaine, ratifiée par le Bénin le 20 janvier 1986, et dont les dispositions font partie intégrante de la présente Constitution et du droit béninois et ont une valeur supérieure à la loi interne;
… (Préambule)
Obligations of the State
- EnglishAll citizens shall be assured of human worth and dignity and have the right to pursue happiness. It shall be the duty of the State to confirm and guarantee the fundamental and inviolable human rights of individuals. (Art. 10)
- Korean모든 국민은 인간으로서의 존엄과 가치를 가지며, 행복을 추구할 권리를 가진다. 국가는 개인이 가지는 불가침의 기본적 인권을 확인하고 이를 보장할 의무를 진다. (제10조)
Obligations of the State
- EnglishWe, the representatives of the people of Guatemala, … decided to promote the complete validity [vigencia] of the Human Rights within a stable, permanent, and popular institutional order, [one] where the governed and the governors [can] proceed with absolute attachment to the law;
… (Preamble) - SpanishNosotros, los representantes del pueblo de Guatemala, … decididos a impulsar la plena vigencia de los Derechos Humanos dentro de un orden institucional estable, permanente y popular, donde gobernados y gobernantes procedan con absoluto apego al derecho;
… (Preámbulo)
Obligations of the State
- EnglishThe law establishes the rules concerning:
- ... the civil rights and the fundamental guarantees for the exercise of public freedoms;
… (Art. 99) - FrenchLa loi fixe les règles concernant :
- ... les droits civiques et les garanties fondamentales pour l'exercice des libertés publiques ;
… (Art. 99)
Obligations of the State
- EnglishMontenegro shall guarantee and protect rights and liberties.
The rights and liberties shall be inviolable.
… (Art. 6) - MontenegrinCrna Gora jemči i štiti prava i slobode.
Prava i slobode su nepovredivi.
… (Član 6)
Obligations of the State
- English1. The State and other public entities shall be civilly liable for acts or omissions performed by their agents in the exercise of their public functions or as a result of the latter, and that, by any means, violate rights, liberties and guarantees to the detriment of the holder or third parties of such.
2. Agents of the State and of other public entities shall be criminally and disciplinarily responsible, under the terms of the law, for acts or omissions that result in the violation of rights, liberties and guarantees. (Art. 16) - Portuguese1. O Estado e as demais entidades públicas são civilmente responsáveis por acções ou omissões dos seus agentes praticadas no exercí- cio de funções públicas ou por causa delas, e que, por qualquer forma, violem os direitos, liberdades e garantias com prejuízo para o titular destes ou de terceiros.
2. Os agentes do Estado e das demais entidades públicas são, nos termos da lei, criminal e disciplinarmente responsáveis por acções ou omissões de que resulte violação dos direitos, liberdades e garantias. (Art. 16)
Obligations of the State
- English(a) Every citizen shall enjoy the right of equality, the right of liberty and the right of justice, as prescribed in this Constitution.
(d) Necessary law shall be enacted to make citizens’ freedoms, rights, benefits, responsibilities and restrictions effective, steadfast and complete. (Sec. 21) - Burmese(က) နိုင်ငံသားတိုင်းသည် ဤဖွဲ့စည်းပုံအခြေခံဥပဒေတွင် သတ်မှတ်ပြဌာန်းထားသည့် တန်းတူညီမျှမှု အခွင့်အရေး၊ လွတ်လပ်မှုအခွင့်အရေး၊ တရားမျှတမှု အခွင့် အရေးတို့ ခံစားခွင့်ရှိသည်၊
(ဃ) နိုင်ငံသားများ၏ လွတ်လပ်ခွင့်၊ လုပ်ပိုင်ခွင့်၊ ခံစားခွင့်၊ တာဝန်နှင့် တားမြစ်ချက်များ ထိရောက်ခိုင်မာပြည့်စုံစေရန် လိုအပ်သောဥပဒေ ပြဌာန်းရမည်။ (ပုဒ်မ-၂၁)
Obligations of the State
- EnglishIn the United Mexican States all persons will enjoy the human rights recognized in this Constitution and in the treaties to which the Mexican State is a party, as well as the guarantees for their protection, of which [the] exercise may not be restricted or suspended, except in the cases and under the conditions that this Constitution establishes.
The norms concerning human rights will be interpreted in accordance with this Constitution and with the international treaties of the matter[,] favoring at all times to persons the greatest possible [más amplia] protection.
All the authorities, in the scope [ámbito] of their competences, have the obligation to promote, to respect, to protect and to guarantee the human rights in accordance with the principles of universality, interdependence, indivisibility and progressivity. Consequently, the State must prevent, investigate, sanction and make reparation for the violations of the human rights, in the terms that the law establishes.
... (Art. 1) - SpanishEn los Estados Unidos Mexicanos todas las personas gozarán de los derechos humanos reconocidos en esta Constitución y en los tratados internacionales de los que el Estado Mexicano sea parte, así como de las garantías para su protección, cuyo ejercicio no podrá restringirse ni suspenderse, salvo en los casos y bajo las condiciones que esta Constitución establece.
Las normas relativas a los derechos humanos se interpretarán de conformidad con esta Constitución y con los tratados internacionales de la materia favoreciendo en todo tiempo a las personas la protección más amplia.
Todas las autoridades, en el ámbito de sus competencias, tienen la obligación de promover, respetar, proteger y garantizar los derechos humanos de conformidad con los principios de universalidad, interdependencia, indivisibilidad y progresividad. En consecuencia, el Estado deberá prevenir, investigar, sancionar y reparar las violaciones a los derechos humanos, en los términos que establezca la ley.
... (Art. 1)