The Global Gender Equality Constitutional Database is a repository of gender equality related provisions in 194 constitutions from around the world. The Database was updated in partnership with the International Bar Association's Human Rights Institute (IBAHRI) and with support from the Swedish International Development Agency (SIDA) and the Government of Japan. Experience its wealth and depth of information by starting your search now.
National Human Rights Bodies
Bolivia, Plurinational State of
- EnglishThe powers of the Office of the Public Defender, in addition to those established in the Constitution and the law, are the following:
1. To file actions of Unconstitutionality, of Liberty, of Constitutional Protection, of Protection of Privacy, Popular actions, actions for Compliance and the direct appeal of nullity, without the requirement of having a mandate.
2. To present bills and modifications of laws, decrees and non-judicial resolutions in matters of its competence.
3. To investigate, on its own or at the request of a party, the acts or omissions that imply violations of rights, individual and collective, that are established in the Constitution, laws and international instruments, and request that the Public Ministry initiate the corresponding legal actions.
4. To request information from the authorities and public servants with respect to the investigations that the Public Defender is carrying out, to which no objection may be posed.
5. To formulate recommendations, reminders of legal duties, and suggestions for the immediate adoption of corrective measures for all the organs and institutions of the State, and to issue public censure for acts or behavior contrary to these formulations.
6. To have free access to the center of detention and prisons, to which no one may pose an objection.
7. To exercise its functions without interruption of any kind, even in the case of a declaration of a state of emergency.
8. To attend to the persons who request its services promptly and without discrimination.
9. To draft the regulations needed for the exercise of its functions. (Art. 222) - SpanishSon atribuciones de la Defensoría del Pueblo, además de las que establecen la Constitución y la ley:
1. Interponer las acciones de Inconstitucionalidad, de Libertad, de Amparo Constitucional, de Protección de Privacidad, Popular, de Cumplimiento y el recurso directo de nulidad, sin necesidad de mandato.
2. Presentar proyectos de ley y proponer modificaciones a leyes, decretos y resoluciones no judiciales en materia de su competencia.
3. Investigar, de oficio o a solicitud de parte, los actos u omisiones que impliquen violación de los derechos, individuales y colectivos, que se establecen en la Constitución, las leyes y los instrumentos internacionales, e instar al Ministerio Público al inicio de las acciones legales que correspondan.
4. Solicitar a las autoridades y servidores públicos información respecto a las investigaciones que realice la Defensoría del Pueblo, sin que puedan oponer reserva alguna.
5. Formular recomendaciones, recordatorios de deberes legales, y sugerencias para la inmediata adopción de correctivos y medidas a todos los órganos e instituciones del Estado, y emitir censura pública por actos o comportamientos contrarios a dichas formulaciones.
6. Acceder libremente a los centros de detención e internación, sin que pueda oponerse objeción alguna.
7. Ejercer sus funciones sin interrupción de ninguna naturaleza, aun en caso de declaratoria de estado de excepción.
8. Asistir con prontitud y sin discriminación a las personas que soliciten sus servicios.
9. Elaborar los reglamentos necesarios para el ejercicio de sus funciones. (Art. 222)
National Human Rights Bodies
- EnglishThe Congress of the Republic will appoint a Commission of Human Rights formed by a deputy for each political party represented in the corresponding period. This Commission shall propose to the Congress three candidates for the election of a Procurator, who must meet the requirements of a magistrate of the Supreme Court of Justice and will enjoy the same immunities and privileges as the deputies to Congress. The law will regulate the attributions of the Commission and of the Procurator of Human Rights to which this Article refers. (Art. 273)
- SpanishEl Congreso de la República designará una Comisión de Derechos Humanos formada por un diputado por cada partido político representado en el correspondiente período. Esta Comisión propondrá al Congreso tres candidatos para la elección de un Procurador, que deberá reunir las calidades de los magistrados de la Corte Suprema de Justicia y gozará de las mismas inmunidades y prerrogativas de los diputados al Congreso. La ley regulará las atribuciones de la Comisión y del Procurador de los Derechos Humanos a que se refiere este artículo. (Art. 273)
National Human Rights Bodies
- EnglishThe Defender of the People is a parliamentary commissioner whose functions are the defense of the human rights, the channeling of popular complaints and the protection of the community interests. In no case will he have judicial function or executive competence. (Art. 276)
- SpanishEl Defensor del Pueblo es un comisionado parlamentario cuyas funciones son la defensa de los derechos humanos, la canalización de reclamos populares y la profesión de los intereses comunitarios. En ningún caso tendrá función judicial ni competencia ejecutiva. (Art. 276)
National Human Rights Bodies
- EnglishThe Procurator General of the Nation, by himself or through his delegates and agents, will have the following functions:
1. To oversee compliance with the Constitution, the laws, the judicial decisions, and the administrative acts
2. To protect the human rights and assure their effectiveness, with the assistance of the Defender of the People.
7. To intervene in the processes and before the judicial or administrative authorities, when necessary, in defense of the legal order, the public patrimony, or the fundamental rights and guarantees.
… (Art. 277) - SpanishEl Procurador General de la Nación, por sí o por medio de sus delegados y agentes, tendrá las siguientes funciones:
1. Vigilar el cumplimiento de la Constitución, las leyes, las decisiones judiciales y los actos administrativos.
2. Proteger los derechos humanos y asegurar su efectividad, con el auxilio del Defensor del Pueblo.
7. Intervenir en los procesos y ante las autoridades judiciales o administrativas, cuando sea necesario en defensa del orden jurídico, del patrimonio público, o de los derechos y garantías fundamentales.
… (Art. 277)
National Human Rights Bodies
- English(1) The Ombudsman shall be appointed by the President acting after consultation with the Minority Leader.
… (Art. 191)
National Human Rights Bodies
Trinidad and Tobago
- English(1) Subject to this section and to sections 94 and 95, the principal function of the Ombudsman shall be to investigate any decision or recommendation made, including any advice given or recommendation made to a Minister, or any act done or omitted by any department of Government or any other authority to which this section applies, or by officers or members of such a department or authority, being action taken in exercise of the administrative functions of that department or authority.
(2) The Ombudsman may investigate any such matter in any of the following circumstances:
(a) where a complaint is duly made to the Ombudsman by any person alleging that the complainant has sustained an injustice as a result of a fault in administration;
(b) where a member of the House of Representatives requests the Ombudsman to investigate the matter on the ground that a person or body of persons specified in the request has or may have sustained such injustice;
(c) in any other circumstances in which the Ombudsman considers that he ought to investigate the matter on the ground that some person or body of persons has or may have sustained such injustice.
(3) The authorities other than departments of Government to which this section applies are—
(a) local authorities or other bodies established for purposes of the public service or of Local Government;
(b) authorities or bodies the majority of whose members are appointed by the President or by a Minister or whose revenues consist wholly or mainly of moneys provided out of public funds;
(c) any authority empowered to determine the person with whom any contract shall be entered into by or on behalf of Government;
(d) such other authorities as may be prescribed. (Sec. 93)
National Human Rights Bodies
Dominican Republic
- EnglishThe Defender of the People and his adjuncts shall be appointed by the Senate for a period of six years, from shortlists proposed by the Chamber of Deputies and shall remain in the role until they are substituted.
… (Art. 192) - SpanishEl Defensor del Pueblo y sus adjuntos serán nombrados por el Senado por un período de seis años, de ternas propuestas por la Cámara de Diputados y permanecerán en el cargo hasta que sean sustituidos.
… (Art. 192)
National Human Rights Bodies
- EnglishIn the exercise of its functions, it will pay a special attention to the complaints presented by women, particularly in that relating to the discriminations and the aggressions of which they may be victims notably in their work. (Art. 207-2bis)
- FrenchDans l’exercise de ses fonctions, il accordera une attention spéciale aux plaintes déposées par les femmes, particulièrement en ce qui a trait aux discriminations et aux agressions dont elles peuvent être victimes notamment dans leur travail (Art. 207.2bis)
National Human Rights Bodies
Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of
- EnglishThe following are functions of the People Defender:
1. To see that the human rights provided for in this Constitution and in the international treaties, agreements and conventions on human rights ratified by the Republic are effectively respected and guaranteed, investigating either on his own initiative or at the request of any denunciation of which he or she becomes aware.
2. To see to the proper functioning of public services; protect and defend the legitimate, collective and diffuse rights and interests of persons against arbitrary acts, abuse of authority and errors committed in the providing of such public services, filing when appropriate, any actions to demand that the State compensate parties subject to its administrative actions for any damages that may have been caused them in connection with the functioning of such public services.
3. To file unconstitutionality actions, summary constitutional remedies, habeas corpus, habeas data and any other actions or motions necessary in order to exercise the powers indicated above, where proper in accordance with law.
4. To urge the General Prosecutor of the Republic to pursue any appropriate actions or motions against public Officials responsible for violations of or encroachment upon human rights.
5. To ask the Republican Ethic Council to take the appropriate measures with regard to public officials responsible for violations of or encroachment upon human rights.
6. To ask the competent authority to apply appropriate corrective and punitive measures in cases involving violations of the rights of consumers and users, in accordance with law.
7. To submit to legislative organs at the municipal, state or national levels, bills or other initiatives for the progressive protection of human rights.
8. To protect the rights of native peoples and take such action as may be necessary to guarantee and protect such rights effectively.
9. To visit and inspect the dependencies and establishments of State agencies, to prevent or protect human rights.
10. To place before the appropriate organs recommendations and observations as necessary in the interest of providing optimum protection for human rights, to which end shall develop mechanisms for remaining in constant communication with national and international public and private organs for the protection and defense of human rights.
11. To promote and implement policies for the expansion and effective protection of human rights.
12. Such other functions as may be established by the Constitution and by law. (Art. 281) - SpanishSon atribuciones del Defensor o Defensora del Pueblo:
1. Velar por el efectivo respeto y garantía de los derechos humanos consagrados en esta Constitución y en los tratados, convenios y acuerdos internacionales sobre derechos humanos ratificados por la República, investigando de oficio o a instancia de parte las denuncias que lleguen a su conocimiento.
2. Velar por el correcto funcionamiento de los servicios públicos, amparar y proteger los derechos e intereses legítimos, colectivos y difusos de las personas, contra las arbitrariedades, desviaciones de poder y errores cometidos en la prestación de los mismos, interponiendo cuando fuere procedente las acciones necesarias para exigir al Estado el resarcimiento a los administrados de los daños y perjuicios que les sean ocasionado con motivo del funcionamiento de los servicios públicos.
3. Interponer las acciones de inconstitucionalidad, amparo, habeas corpus, habeas data y las demás acciones o recursos necesarios para ejercer las atribuciones señaladas en los ordinales anteriores, cuando fuere procedente de conformidad con la ley.
4. Instar al Fiscal o Fiscala General de la República para que intente las acciones o recursos a que hubiere lugar contra los funcionarios públicos o funcionarias públicas, responsables de la violación o menoscabo de los derechos humanos.
5. Solicitar al Consejo Moral Republicano que adopte las medidas a que hubiere lugar respecto de los funcionarios públicos o funcionarias públicas responsables por la violación o menoscabo de los derechos humanos.
6. Solicitar ante el órgano competente la aplicación de los correctivos y las sanciones a que hubiere lugar por la violación de los derechos del público consumidor y usuario, de conformidad con la ley.
7. Presentar ante los órganos legislativos nacionales, estadales o municipales, proyectos de ley u otras iniciativas para la protección progresiva de los derechos humanos.
8. Velar por los derechos de los pueblos indígenas y ejercer las acciones necesarias para su garantía y efectiva protección.
9. Visitar e inspeccionar las dependencias y establecimientos de los órganos del Estado, a fin de prevenir o proteger los derechos humanos.
10. Formular ante los órganos correspondientes las recomendaciones y observaciones necesarias para la mejor protección de los derechos humanos, para lo cual desarrollará mecanismos de comunicación permanente con órganos públicos o privados, nacionales e internacionales, de protección y defensa de los derechos humanos.
11. Promover y ejecutar políticas para la difusión y efectiva protección de los derechos humanos.
12. Las demás que establezcan la Constitución y la ley. (Art. 281)
National Human Rights Bodies
Bolivia, Plurinational State of
- EnglishThe Public Defender shall be designated by at least two-thirds of the members present of the Pluri-National Legislative Assembly. … (Art. 220)
- SpanishLa Defensora o el Defensor del Pueblo se designará por al menos dos tercios de los presentes de la Asamblea Legislativa Plurinacional. … (Art. 220)